Point Break Coaching and Hypnosis
Five-Session Coaching or Hypnosis Program
  • Five customized coaching and/or hypnosis sessions of 60-90 minutes, individualize to address your unique challenges, needs, and personality. 
  • Your choice of Zoom, Skype, or phone
  • Text and e-mail support between sessions as needed
  • Home assignments and resources 
  • Self-hypnosis training included

You can schedule appointments online or contact me for alternative days/times or payment methods. Payment plans are available upon request.

Questions? Contact Teri.
Still not sure? Book a free discovery call.
Return to PointBreakHypnosis.com

This package includes
  • Five coaching and/or hypnosis sessions
  • Your choice of Zoom, Skype, or phone
  • Text and e-mail support between sessions as needed
  • Home assignments and resources
  • Self-hypnosis training

Payment plans are available to suit your needs and budget.

If you don't see a convenient time for our first appointment, choose any day/time to complete your registration, then contact me to reschedule.