christine Williamson
The Empowered Mom Program
Throughout the 14 weeks and in 4 simple steps we will explore how to:

Envision and create what it’s going to look like living as a calmer more empowered mom:
We’ll acknowledge the pressure you’ve been under, take care of the urgent problems and then spend time setting an intention and envisioning the life you are truly yearning for. 

Discover and break through what is holding you back from being that mom right now
We’ll find the calm amidst the chaos and then focus on what’s been holding you back from discovering your identity beyond being a mom.  Through breakthrough transformation and healing we’ll say goodbye to burnout, exhaustion, and isolation, letting go of mom guilt and start living as the mom and woman you are destined to be.

Create your new empowered mom story by learning new skills and strategies that will support this new way of being
We’ll set a course to finally live the life you’ve been deeply yearning for by uncovering the art of setting boundaries that empower you to thrive without sacrificing your priorities. Learning to protect your time, energy, and passions while deepening connections with those you cherish, reigniting your excitement in your relationships with your family, your partner and anything that matters most to you. 

Stand in your new identity of being a mom who is now an empowered individual with her own identity and will empower her family to do the same
 Finally, you’ll discover the untapped potential within you, even when you're already at full capacity. Explore how your capacity for love, growth, and fulfillment can expand beyond your imagination...

And more! You matter too! 

This package includes
  • 1 x 90 min appointments
  • 13 x 60 min appointments
Client Feedback
“ “ Christine is a gifted coach. She creates a sacred space for women to be in their unvarnished truth and with deep listening and compassion, brings awareness to old stories that keep us stuck. Through focused powerful questions, Christine shines a light so the path forward becomes clear with renewed courage and confidence to create a new future. ” — Laura - Inner Alignment Coach & Hypnotherapist ”
— Laura - Inner Alignment Coach & Hypnotherapist
“ “ Christine has embraced her feminine spirit as she holds space for a garden to grow with in you. She'll help you navigate the storms and remind you that you are safe even when life gets turbulent. Christine is intuitive, patient and devoted to your success. There is no one else like her. I promise you'll love her. ” — Alicia ”
— Alicia
“ “ Christine is kind, caring and compassionate while also being professional. She has a confidence in what she is doing and asks thought provoking questions that allows you to relax and trust the process. I liked how I was able to stay open and see where that journey would take us. ” — Alex ”
— Alex
“ Doing the coaching sessions with Christine has really helped me to remove some blocks I have had in place since childhood. She knows what questions to ask to take a person deeper, and she asks them in such a gentle and accepting way that it helped me have the courage to really look truthfully at the past, at things I have been burying and avoiding for decades. I think what is especially wonderful is she is more of a guide than an instructor. By asking questions and allowing me space to explore the past she helped me to discover that I had the answers and compassion I needed already. Christine’s insight was such a gift in bringing me to a more whole way of living that integrates those parts of me I was keeping inside, and I am able to be much more authentic now, as I was created to be. Thanks Christine! ”
— Janna