Shari Walker
Email Coaching Subscription
What’s Up, Email Friend! Imagine getting a friendly, wise email from a coach who's all about helping you grow. That's what our Email Coaching Subscription is like! Perfect for when you're on the go, need some wisdom, or just want a regular check-in to keep you on track.

Pick Your Plan:
  • Basic Tier ($200): Get a weekly email with personalized advice and exercises.
  • Premium Tier ($400): More emails, more depth – think of it like having a coach in your pocket!

  Why Choose My Email Coaching Subscription?

Why Pick the Email Coaching Subscription?
Think about getting cool emails from a coach (that's me!) who's super excited to help you grow. That's what you get with our Email Coaching Subscription! Here's why it's awesome:

  • Perfect for Busy Bees: If you're always on the move and don't have time for long chats, these emails are just right. You can read them whenever you have a moment.
  • Weekly Wisdom in Your Inbox: Every week, you get an email filled with tips, advice, and fun exercises – it's like getting a weekly dose of coaching magic!
  • Choose Your Email Adventure: You can pick the plan that works for you. Want just a weekly check-in? Cool! Or maybe you want more emails for extra help? We've got that too!
  • It’s Like a Chat, But in Email: You can write back to me anytime to share what's going on or ask more questions. It's a two-way street!
  • Super Easy to Manage: Signing up is a breeze, and you can change your plan whenever you need to. It's like having a coach who pops into your inbox with exactly what you need, when you need it!

This package includes
  • Cool Email Tools: I use platforms like Paperbell to keep our emails personalized and engaging.
  • Regular Check-ins: I've got a calendar to ensure you get consistent support.
  • Crafted with Care: Each email is thoughtfully written to address your specific needs.

Pick Your Plan:
  • Basic Tier ($200): Get a weekly email with personalized advice and exercises.
  • Premium Tier ($400): More emails, more depth. Think of it like having a coach in your pocket!
$200 / month
$400 / month