Julia-Marie Harris
Outside the Box, Inside Your Truth


Many of us have been attempting to live 'inside the box' - while our brains think outside of it. This itself has many impacts through masking, senses of personal failure for some, and often we can end up in situations not well suited to us.

Emotional response differences, Rejection Sensitivity, and Justice Sensitivity can create challenges that quite intensely impact our everyday energy and focus at times.  
This can be in the form of strong and unpredictable emotions, body sensations, or *rumination (*repeatedly thinking about possible or previous moments, conversations and outcomes).

In a world where we know that being different has often meant struggling to fit in, this unique 13-week journey is designed specifically for Neurodivergent (ND) individuals.  
It blends two practices each week: an intent-full conversation about your experiences and desired outcomes, with possible tips from me about neurology;  followed by a simple, low pressure, therapeutic art practice with just a pen and paper. 

Unlike many ND and ADHD coaching programs, Outside the Box, Inside Your Truth, is not based around more effectively adapting to normative pressures and work loads - which often leads to higher levels of burn-out. 
It is about thriving in our own extraordinary way, and healing some of our acquired 'baggage' from being unrecognised and unsupported.

Over three months we embrace the concept of 'resetting our brilliance' in two ways:

  • Like 'resetting' a stone or jewel into a more supportive, better reflecting  position, we explore and develop understanding of your unique neurology - valuing your traits, the facets of you, and how they best 'shine'.
  • Each week also helps rest and reset your neurology for greater emotional regulation, healthier relationships, and a life more easily aligned with your true self. 

 By the end of these 13 weeks, you will not only have a deeper understanding of yourself and your neurodivergence, these sessions will help release the heat and weight of emotions that can frequently be hard for us to regulate in more challenging moments. 

This process is for minds-outside-the-mainstream, who are ready to commit to their growth and well-being. 
It requires commitment from both of us, as each session builds upon the last, creating a connected relationship and comprehensive journey towards self-discovery and empowerment. 

Due to this commitment level I only work this way with a maximum of three individual clients at any one time.

Unlike coaching or mentoring alone, due to the therapeutic aspect of this package it is not suitable to do  Outside the Box, Inside Your Truth at the same time as working with another therapist.
This package includes
  • One-off beginning consultation with Julia, followed by
  • 12 weekly 90 minute appointments of 1-hour neurodivergence mentoring followed by a 30-minute, very simple, therapeutic art play practice.
  • Sessions usually held on zoom.