Britta Dimler
Single session
If you're experiencing difficult relationships, overwhelm, loss of joy and purpose, it's time to reclaim yourself!  It's time to experience peace and joy in your relationships and to create a life full of purpose and passion as you serve the world through your career, calling, and ministry.   You CAN find freedom from toxic thoughts, experience victory over strongholds, and create real lasting change.  I look forward to helping you discover your value and joy as we work together! 
I'm Britta Dimler, wife, mom, entrepreneur, Jesus follower and coffee and craft beer lover.  My family has changed over the past few years, and I've learned to lean into God while my children launch from our home.  I've learned to grieve my expectations for them and our relationship, and find my value and certainty through my relationship with God. 

This package includes
  • 1 x 50 min appointment via zoom