Laura Lee
Free Your Voice - 6 Week Voice Igniter
Free Your Voice
A 6-week Voice Igniter

Imagine starting this new year going from 

doubting your inner voice to clarity and trust

fear of speaking up to feeling free to share exactly what’s on your heart. 

staying small to expansion and full expression or

uncertainty you have anything to share to empowered and inspired and a clear YES - you do have something to share!

Does this sound familiar?

You want to express more of who you are, in your life or in your work, but something stops you. 

You know you have an inner voice, but maybe it’s been drowned out by doubt. 

You’ve perhaps learned since childhood to stay safe by centering other’s voices over your own.

Trusting what other people said you “should” do.

You may have gone quiet, but feel something inside you longing to wake up.


You’ve finally started to listen to your inner voice and become aware of who you are and what you are here to share, but you feel a fear of judgement creeping up inside.

or maybe you’re questioning your ability to express yourself authentically in the world. 

You might be stuck thinking more about what others might think instead of the deep longing you feel inside to unleash, create and serve, which gives life to everyone around you.

Your true voice is found inside and sometimes it takes a strong and safe container to invite it to come out.  

This is the magic of Free Your Voice.

Igniting the voice of your soul so you can speak from that voice, the goal.

Your true voice is found INside.  

This is where we will meet and ignite your true voice together. 

Our 6 week container is created to help you…

Ignite, amplify, and free your inner voice - the voice of the soul.

In this intimate 6 week container, you will have the safety and spaciousness to work through  blocks and voices of fear. The ones that tell you everything you “have to”  do driven by scarcity and doubt. 

In this space, you will be reconnected to your true voice. 

In this loving container, you’ll feel seen, heard, and connected to yourself and others. 

This is a gentle and loving igniter for you to rediscover, trust, and free your inner soul voice as this is meant to be activated, amplified and shared. 

This program includes a 90-minute group call each week, for six consecutive weeks.

These calls will be held every Wednesday for 6 weeks, beginning February 7th at 4:15PM CT.
The investment is $1,111 but $888 throughout the month of December! 

You can expect each of our calls to include a mixture of meditation, writing prompts, energy work & activations, coaching from me, and plentiful opportunity for you to share with the others in the group.

This is meant to be a gentle and loving container where you can practice finding and sharing your voice in an intimate circle of women - what I’ve found to be THE most important starting point for this type of work.

Call #1: Opening circle - we will connect and drop in to prepare our bodies and hearts and begin to clear the way to hear your inner voice.

Call #2: Uncover, Awaken, and Reimagine

We dive in to discover more about what’s holding back your true voice and uncover what’s blocking it.
We do this so as to awaken the soul voice. Freeing your voice starts by being honest with yourself. Only once you’ve done that can you begin to imagine and reimagine what you’re really here on this earth to do. 

Call #3: Reclaim a part of you - your soul voice 

We work to untether you from stories or beliefs that no longer serve your highest good. We find your blocks and alchemize them to create a pathway for your true soul to take up more space. 

This might include somatic fear release, breathwork, energy work, activation, and ritual.  Ultimately it leads to reclaiming your voice, desires, sovereignty, ideas, and gifts - which the world needs so desperately!

Call #4 Rebirth and activate this part of you - your soul voice

This is where we activate your soul gifts - to take up more space in your new identity that's rooted in soul vs. ego, in love vs. fear. Through this process, you might experience taking action that feels aligned for the first time ever, and create with a new sense of freedom! 

Call #5: Unleash and share this part of you - your soul voice outwardly in your life

Time to share your gifts more visibly into the world! This can happen slowly, but it's happening. It's a joyful process to watch unfold. Slowly in this group means you develop a practice of truth-telling to yourself, and then let that expand to your closest circle - which can be this circle. 

Call #6: Integration and Bringing it all together.. continue to practice soul speak - communicating from the heart as you create a clear plan of action for your soul to continue to be the voice in your life.

Who is this for?

This might be for you if:

You want to freely express your true essence with your soul work in the world. 

Maybe you are sharing your soul work in the world,  but can still feel stuck or exhausted. 

Or you are feeling an expansion and know the way you’ve shown up in your work so far is asking you to pivot. You’re growing into a bigger or different body of work you want to offer and you need support to step in more. 

Or you know what you want, feel it inside and yet can’t seem to press GO. 

This journey is here to help free you and allow the voice of spirit to guide you so you can activate your voice in your work. Be seen. Share it. And receive abundantly. 

You can see the ocean but first must swim through the river to reach it. Discover what may be blocking you and clear that channel.

Join me to Free Your Voice this February!

This package includes
  • 6 x 90 min group free your voice sessions 
2 payments of $555 (monthly)