Nicola Adkin
Elevate - Mindset & Emotional Elevation

Daily life is draining and you feel and know you deserve more.

Deep down, there’s a void - a feeling of being unfulfilled and stuck. 

Tired of the same old same old. 

Rushing around constantly, filling every minute of every day is exhausting, you’re feeling an inner pull to change your life. 

No amount of sleep ever feels enough anymore. 

It is time to lean into a new future - a change.

A new season where you no longer live daily in the shadow of the past. 

Where you  release the anxieties, insecurities and memories that cloud the mind and keep you stuck.

Where you lean into new ways of thinking and feeling,  at a new level, a new elevated level.

Less stress and more success.

No more struggling with yourself daily.

〽️No more feelings of not good enough 
〽️No more unworthiness
〽️No more getting and in your own way 

You can stop reminding yourself of old conditioning, old habits and old ways of thinking created long ago that drag you down. 

You are the foundation, the centre and source of everything in your life.

Your energy is the source of everything in your life, your career and your business.  

The barriers to success, health, wellness and earnings - are all the ones constructed in your own mind.

Those outdated mindsets can keep you stuck.....and more stuck

Changing your mindset and emotions reprograms those old beliefs and ideas.

Re-energizes your emotional body and elevates you.

You can elevate  beyond self imposed limitations and ideas using the power of  your own mind and your body.

Because that's all they are - ideas and stories that you have told yourself on repeat...

It is time to cut yourself some serious slack, accept who you are, flaws and all and decide now that you are worthy and good enough for the career promotion, the side hustle, the business, the holiday - whatever it is that is in your heart to do.

If you are here, you are ready to change.

If you are unsure of investing in a very expensive self growth course, this digital course is a foundational and inspirational place to start and grow.

In fact, those who have taken the course, said that anyone would benefit...

So why a digital video course ?

Because healing and elevating yourself takes time, you are unique and bespoke.  You define your timline.  You define your life. 

BUT saturate in this material - listen to it over and over again. 

It is yours for ever.

Your are on your own timeline and transformation cannot be rushed.

This material opens  you up the energetics and teachings that you can come back to overtime again and again and again to underpin healing in your life.

To underpin sustainable change.

Saturating in content overtime works.

Quick wins do not - this course raises your emotional frequency and you have the benefit of value rich coaching on demand, to revisit again and again. 

Your destiny and empowerment cannot be squeezed into 10 minutes per day - you are worth more than that.

Know how worthy you are....just by being here.

I now live an energized and vibrant life - beyond anxiety and fear that paralyzed me in the past.

Having dedicated the past 5 years to a self growth journey - I have studied relentlessly emotional growth, healing, transformation, consciousness and the power of our own hearts.

What I have learnt has transformed my life and is helping clients do the same.

Anxiety and depression can be a lifelong battle and I had 5 burnouts/mental episodes over 40 years resulting in over 30 years on anti-anxiety medications, sleeping tables and a whole range of other pharmaceuticals.

Like so many high achievers - I also had  successful career - which I mostly LOVED.

No corporate bashing here.

I worked in amazing teams, for amazing organisations with amazing mentors - I am truly grateful for it all.

BUT due to a predisposition to anxiety and a sister with  congenital heart disease, struggled to cope overtime.   

I couldn't achieve the goals I wanted to, and in the end realized I lacked purpose and meaning - like many of you.

High achievers love to work more than anything but other areas of life are forgotten.

Finally at 50+, after a profound awakening when burnout number 6 was happening, discovered I could take ownership of my own life fully,  I could change energetically by choice and have relentlessly pursued my self improvement since. 

I felt called to become an Energy Healer and Transformational Life Coach, to heal myself, my son of lifelong eczema and to fulfil my soul's mission.

I am dedicated to  answering this call. 

Your inner healing and embodiment is my mission to the world. 

I am here to help you step into your power and purpose and transform your life. 

I have the tools, techniques and methods grounded in Neuroscience combined with the metaphysical universal awareness to help you elevate to the higher version of you that you desire to be.

If you're mid-life+, know and feel you are ready for more, feel conflicted and stuck and  nowhere near ready to retire, ready to follow your heart to find more meaning, purpose and performance - 

This low cost digital video course bundle is for you.

You finding and attracting from your flow - is where life changes in every way.

We allow so much more to come to us naturally when we are in our flow state.

This course focuses on you finding and maintaining yours.

A self paced video bundle with enlightening homework designed for you to binge watch in 1 day or cover in 14 - 30 days slowly to implement a new lightweight daily routine for creating your life from your flow.

You decide how long you spend - it is your decision that matters.

This package includes
A high energy set of 8 recorded video modules, journalling and a powerful fully remote healing activation to be used DAILY.

 A full and deep process to re-wire subconscious beliefs and embed new core beliefs that will support you in your journey to the highest version of YOU.

It is a foundational, inspirational download which recommends a lightweight inner work day for life - My Go To routine DAILY to keep my mindset and emotions aligned fully with the version of me I am creating and recommend to all my clients.

This programme seeks to help you move out of stress/fear to feel better,  more empowered and energised .  To live at a new foundation, a new baseline emotional level.

Through 8 Powerful Video Tutorials, Guidebook and BONUSES - we target:

🔸Emotional clearing, healing and releasing to target your Subconscious directly at source (Targets the 95% of your thinking - which is done on autopilot) - the beauty about energy work is you can sit back and relax while you heal.  Let the Daily Healing MEDITATION soothe and nourish you with energy.

🔸Powerful Teaching to target your conscious thinking - Way more than re-framing (Targets your 5% Conscious Thinking)

🔸Wisdom and guidance about the importance of FEELING GOOD.  Being in a state of FLOW, living from your inside, regardless of outside circumstances.

🔸How to tap into VISUALISATION and IMAGINATION to create and bond with your goals  - triggering and creating new neural circuitry in the brain to help create that new experience in your reality.   

🔸 Challenging old beliefs and embodying new beliefs - your life is a manifestation of the beliefs, ideas and stories that have become part of you overtime.  Change these and your life experience will change.

🔸Accepting the higher truth of who you are and what you are here to do - your SOUL purpose.

🔸Integrating all the above so you can create in your life and business with powerful intention.

 🔸Mindset elevation to enable you to feel worthy and good enough to  achieve your goals and earn from your purpose.

What's included in this digital course bundle:


◻ Hello and Intro Videos (4 Mins & 13 Mins)

◻ 8 Video Modules ( 3.5 Mins to 45 Mins) - Journal prompts

Module 1 - Taking the More Effortless Route to Healing
Module 2 - MASTERCLASS - You Are Here For a Reason - PURPOSE - PRESENCE
Module 3 -Your Growth - Purpose -  Flow and Performance
Module 4 - MASTERCLASS - The Energy and Frequency of Elevated Emotions - Living From our Inside - Taking Back Control
Module 5 - MASTERCLASS Visualising and Imagining Your Desired Life and Business
Module 6 - Your Beliefs Create the Facts
Module 7 - Your Way - Your Decisions - Bringing It All Together - Taking INSPIRED ACTIONs

Module 8 - Saying Goodbye to Struggle and DeBunking the Comfort Zone

◻  DAILY Healing and Elevating Meditative Visualisation (10 Mins) - LISTEN DAILY AT LEAST ONCE, close your eyes and be open to the energy infused into the recording - allow your healing

◻  Creative Flow & Abundance Visualisation (8 Mins) - SEE AND FEEL YOUR VISION An empowering and uplifting guided meditation to elevate your thinking and mood and trigger new neural pathways

◻  Visualisation Mini Masterclass - Warm up content and a perfect introduction to the wider content - 20 Minute Visualisation Masterclass

 ◻  Heart Breathing and Opening Meditation (6 Mins) - For When You Need to Centre

◻  Daily Emotional Gratitude Ritual (5-10 Mins)

◻  Daily Lightweight Ritual to underpin your life spiritually and energetically



◻  Video Masterclass on Purpose -  recorded in 2022  when I was growing on online - the delivery is different to now but the content and guidance stands true - listen - watch - be open and be expansive in your thinking of your purpose and what  this could mean for you.

EAT, SLEEP, REPEAT Affirmations Programme Guide - Contains a powerful technique for reprogramming the subconscious mind through repeated use of affirmations.

Voice Only Healing Visualisation (25 Mins) - Focus on my voice and only my voice in this deeply healing meditative visualisation which is infused with energetic remote healing.

After Completing Your PURCHASE - Please go directly to the 'CONTENT' Tab where all the materials are located. ↩

Select the:

'ELEVATE YOUR MINDSET & EMOTIONS GUIDE'   to navigate through the modules and direct you to the bonuses.

Having invested in both 1 on 1 coaches, group coaching and digital products like these, I saw the huge benefit of the digital course for mindset and emotional shifting work,.

Motivational energetic teaching is like an infusion of energy and knowledge and with a digital course, you can access and absorb the same content over and over again.  I recomend revisiting again and again and again and embodying the energy within the teaching.

This helps to elevate your vibrational resonance to a more flowy state where life becomes less stress and more flow.

💥This is  a self paced video bundle content you get to keep for life.
💥Videos are 3.5 to 45 minutes long with some journalling work. 
💥The learning is self paced and is designed to help you gentley move towards implementing the daily lightweight spiritual routine recommended with 28 days.
💥There is no marking, judging or scary group sessions.
💥This is a self paced energetic download for you to embody.

If you feel this material is of no benefit to your life since purchasing,  I will happily re-pay your investment within 14 days ONLY provided you have completed the course and can provide me copies of your journaling and your affirmations re-programming recordings and scripts so I can see you have followed all the instructions and completed the inner journal work necessary to help create the results.

Progress comes when you do the work.  This course is designed to help you do the work needed to change your own mind.

Client Feedback
“ I have been looking for the right course for a long time and so glad I tried this. I will use on a regular basis and would recommend this to anyone in their busy lives. ”
— C.
“ I would recommend this course to everyone as Nicola provides a safe place, with positive energy and supportive guidance to tap into your mindset and to make discoveries that I feel can only put you in a better place. To be able to offload negativity energy and to help move forward feeling more positive and good enough. This is all done without having to talk about past experiences that caused you to have the negativity’s in your mind and body. It’s very enlightening and a real feel good course I cannot thank Nicola enough for this opportunity. ”
— A.
“ This course really does help you think about your purpose in both life and career, I know I need to make changes I will continue and make changes throughout the process. ”
— Y.
“ The course emphasises the importance of self-worth and positive thinking, valuable concepts for personal growth and emotional well-being. Since starting the course, these words have stuck. You are worth it and have always been worth it. I feel so much more worthy now. Previously, I've always thought because people spoke better than me (meaning posh, haha), they were always respected; however, I've realised now that's not the case, and I should stop doubting myself. The daily Meditation has helped me so much with my anxiety. I've noticed this much with work when speaking in large groups with senior people. I now think I know my stuff, and I will not sit back and stay quiet. It's built up my Confidence. I'm only a tiny way through the course, and I'm excited to finish it. So far, so good and such a positive impact. It's made me think so differently in a good way. ”
— K.
“ Enhanced Positivity: The course provided a structured framework for cultivating positivity in my life. Through various exercises and techniques, I've learned to reframe negative thoughts, focus on gratitude, and embrace optimism. As a result, I find myself approaching each day with a newfound sense of enthusiasm and hopefulness. ”
— K.
“ 1. Improved Self-Worth: One of the most profound outcomes of this course has been the strengthening of my self-worth. I've developed a deeper appreciation for myself. I now understand that my worthiness is not contingent upon external validation but stems from within. 2. The course facilitated significant mindset shifts that have had a profound impact on various aspects of my life. I've let go of limiting beliefs that once held me back and embraced a mindset of abundance and possibility. This newfound perspective has empowered me to pursue my goals with confidence and resilience. 3. Also, listening to the daily meditation made such a difference, a positive impact when stressed. 4. Thank you so much. ”
— K.
“ Yes it’s very exciting to have been given the material to commence the journey to invest in the time for myself. I’m very interested to dig deeper to enable my own improvement. ”
— Allyson
“ Nicola this has been amazing for me at my time of life and career, I can't thank you enough, huge well done. ”
— Justine.
“ Even if you are not looking for a course you would benefit from all aspects of the course 100%. This will help me inside and outside of work. I know a friend who also took the course and feels the same, we took away so much ! Nicola this has been amazing for me at my time of life and career, I can't thank you enough, huge well done. ”
— Justine
“ Yes it’s definitely made me look at where my work is going and to evaluate what I need to do to feel more accomplished and review earning capability’s. ”
— Allyson