Monthly Sessions
This package allows you to receive monthly sessions with Scott at a reduced rate from regular one-on-one sessions!

Scott uses a huge array of energy tools and techniques to help you release blocks, reset outdated beliefs, clear distortions, and ultimately help you move forward with your growth and transformation.  The primary tool he uses is Crystalline Consciousness Technique (, in conjunction with his own innate healing gifts and abilities.

Sessions include approx. 30 minutes of discussion about your current experiences and life, as well as setting a course of action for the session (and/or follow-up sessions), approx. 45 minutes of energy work/healing, and approx. 15 minutes of assimilation and session discussion.

The transformation and growth that occurs through working with Scott lasts for at least several weeks after your session date.  You'll continue to receive the benefits and growth potentials well after the session as you move forward in life.

Monthly sessions are $175/mth, with a one-time $25 set up fee.

Your card is charged on the same day as when you sign up, and you can schedule your appointments as far in advance as my schedule allows! This means you can schedule all your monthly sessions in advance, and enjoy a discounted payment for them as you go.

Also, additional discounted sessions may be purchased at the same rate listed above, should you wish to add any sessions throughout the month!

If you're interested in saving even more money, and want the flexibility to schedule whenever you want, check out one of these packages...

6 Session Package
12 Session Package

Click here for cancellation and refund policies.
This package includes
  • 1 x 90 min appointments every month
  • Unlimited months
  • Spread cost of sessions out monthly
  • Enter payment info once, never have to worry about it again!
$175 / month with $25 setup fee