Cortney Loui
God-Gifted Personal Goal Setting
Have you ever thought, “I’m so tired of hustling all the time to achieve my goals and still falling short! What do I have to do to stop merely surviving and really start thriving?”
Maybe you come home at night feeling exhausted and empty because your day was spent rushing from one thing to the next getting “stuff” done but without coming close to making progress with any of the things that matter the most to you. Or, while brushing your teeth in the morning, you worry that the woman in the mirror is falling short (again) of the goals she has to be the best Christian, woman, wife, mother, and leader she’s called to be.

Beloved, it’s time for you to take the “God-Gifted Personal Goal Setting” session, unlock your God-gifted wiring (it IS a gift, I promise!), and understand why you’re stuck surviving instead of thriving each day.

You’ll learn why you’re caught up in the hustle and also why you’ve lost sight of your strengths and just how purposefully, fearfully, and wonderfully God made you… all in under an hour.

How it works: Do a brief assessment and then hop on a 45-minute Zoom call with me. At the end you’ll know:

1. Why you forget to leverage your unique, God-gifted personality and strengths. (It’s not what you think.)
2. How to begin getting out of survival mode and work toward thriving on purpose. 
3. Know exactly tailored-for-you steps how to effectively achieve your goals and use what makes you awesome.

The “God-Gifted Personal Goal Setting” is $97 and I’d love to be of service to you! I only offer 3 sessions each month on a first-come, first-serve basis and I know there will be more requests than I can accommodate. Don’t wait! If you want one, let me know today, and let’s get you on my calendar.

This package includes
  • 1 x 60-minute appointments (45-minute appointment with a 15-minute buffer so we have more room to chat if we want to!)