Flying Dragon Wellness | Kelly Scotti
The Magic 3 Days-NeuroNutrient Assessment
IF YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY, JUST CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY, right (!?!?) For many people, happiness is a choice.  We can choose to focus on gratitude and all the good in our lives and as a result we get more of it or we can focus on that which isn't so good and find that we get more of the not so good as well.     But I've found its goes much deeper.  When are bodies are foundationally challenged because we do not have the basic neuronutrients to support that choice-we basically no longer have the option to choose. 

Sometimes you are not able to choose to be happy or well because your brain/body is suffering an imbalance or lack in the neurochemicals/nutrients that allow us to feel good and to feel healthy.  

Take me for example.  A happy go lucky coach and yoga teacher with kids I adore, a calling to serve, supportive friends, and blessings galore.  Despite this, I struggled with depression and overwhelming anxiety, and was diagnosed with ADHD in the height of perimenopause.

During one of my worst episodes of depression, 10 years ago, it was a struggle to find a reason to stay in this body. I was overwhelmed at the thoughts bombarding me: I'm not good enough, not strong enough, have no reason for being here, my kids would be better off if I wasn't around.  The medications I was on didn't help.  Talk therapy didn't help.   Deep inside, I knew I needed something else.

My friend Annemarie, a fellow coach and nutritionist, was my guardian angel.  She offered me a session with her, during which time she assessed my nutritional status and my neurotransmitter deficiencies using a highly objective assessment tool that did a deep dive into my symptoms and my efforts to treat said symptoms.  In less than an hour, she provided me with a plan to provide my body with the building blocks for those neurotransmitters in a way that after starting them, I  almost immediately felt different.  No waiting six weeks for something to kick in.  No worry about crazy side effects, as these nutrients are already in our bodies.  

24 hours after beginning her recommended supplement schedule based on my specific needs, I was up and out of bed, starting to feel like myself again. 

3 days later, I looked back on myself the week before and could not believe I was ever that low, because of how good I felt.  It felt like magic.  THE MAGIC 3 DAYS.

I felt grounded.  I felt connected to myself.  I was able to feel joy and enthusiasm.  My stress level was low.  My cravings for sugar and artificial sweeteners were almost gone.   I no longer needed to lay in bed all day, and had resumed all exercise.  

It felt like a miracle.  

Soon after I started feeling better, I learned everything I could about this process.  I reviewed all my neuroscience books from grad school, scoured my nutrition books from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and dove deep into the exact tools my friend used with me,  pioneered by Julia Ross.   And now I bring this program to you. 

Now, you might not ever feel the way I mentioned above when I was at my lowest.  Instead you might: 
  • Feel stressed to the point of breakdown.
  • Have chronic depression or anxiety that sticks around no matter how much self care you try
  • Have overwhelming cravings for foods 
  • Pine for substances that do not support you: alcohol, cocaine, or other illegal substances so you can numb out and 
  • Have ADHD, chronic illness or pain that has no defined cause or no cure

And nothing you have done in the past has worked consistently to make you feel better.

If your brain is neurotransmitter deficient or nutritionally depleted, I can help.  Together we can work to reduce your stress, address anxiety and depression, and stop insane cravings for food and alcohol using supplements available over the counter, with little or no side effects, that don't require that you take them for life (as most anti-depressants do).

How Does It Work?
After purchasing the program, you will be sent the assessment form via email for completion, or you can download the form here in your client portal after purchase.  

You will then email the completed form and schedule your review call in the client portal.  Once this is complete and returned, the list of recommended supplements and directions for use will be sent to you within 2 business days along with recommended brand links to purchase (though supplements can be purchased from any provider).  

You can schedule the followup session to occur between one and two weeks after starting the recommended supplements to review and reassess if any changes need to be made to the recommendations.   As every person and their biochemistry is unique, this followup session is crucial to fine tune the supplement schedule and ensure you have the best results.   Prior to the follow-up appointment, you are able to contact Kelly by text to ask any questions related to the recommendations.  

Please note that the assessment questionnaire takes approximately 15-30 minutes to complete.  The initial video consult post the assessment will take between 30 min-1 hour depending on the results of the assessment, and the follow-up will take approximately 30 minutes.  

Your investment for this program: 
$295, which includes the initial assessment, assessment review by phone/zoom, recommendations and directions, and followup.

Optional 1/2 hour follow-up sessions for this program are only $75 for up to three months post supplementation start date. 

Coaching sessions/packages for conditions that cannot only be addressed by supplementation are also available.  
This package includes
  • Assessment review by coach
  • Initial Phone/Zoom Consultation to review assessment 
  • Neuronutrient supplement recommendations report based on results
  • Links to recommended supplements 
  • Text support between appointments
  • One followup phone/zoom consultation to be used within 2 weeks of supplement initiation

Note:  The information provided in this program is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.  Flying Dragon Wellness/Kelly Scotti assumes no responsibility for how this information is used.

This program is intended to enhance overall health and is not intended or implied to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any specific illness or condition. All remedies and nutritional supplements are only the coach's best recommendation and are at no time to be considered a prescription.  Always consult with your doctor or health practitioner before beginning any supplementation program, especially if pregnant or nursing.  We do our best to keep all information as current as possible, but supplement information can change frequently.  
$60 + 5 payments of $55 (weekly)