Michael Collison
Grow Your Fire
Welcome to 'Grow Your FIRE,'  your personalized journey to Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE). Are you dreaming of escaping the traditional 9-to-5 grind and enjoying life on your terms? mY comprehensive coaching package is designed to empower you with the knowledge and strategies needed to make that dream a reality.

In these eight one-hour sessions, we'll begin by conducting a thorough assessment of
your current financial situation, examining how you're investing your money
both pre and post-tax. From there, we'll work closely with you to identify
areas for optimization, suggesting adjustments and strategies that can
accelerate your journey towards FIRE.

Central to my coaching approach is the concept of the savings rate – a critical
determinant of how soon you can achieve FIRE. We'll delve into the nuances of
savings rates, helping you understand how small changes can have a significant
impact on your timeline to financial freedom.

Throughout our sessions, you'll gain valuable insights into investment principles, asset
allocation strategies, and risk management techniques tailored to your unique
goals and risk tolerance. Whether you're just starting your FIRE journey or
seeking to refine your existing strategy, our experienced financial coaches are
here to provide guidance, support, and accountability every step of the way.

Take the first step towards your FIRE goals today by enrolling in our 'Grow Your FIRE'
coaching package. Together, we'll unlock the potential of your financial future
and pave the way to a life of greater autonomy, purpose, and fulfillment.
This package includes
  • 8 x 60 min appointments
2 payments of $400 (monthly)