Jocelyn Macdonald
As Within So Without
  • Do you find yourself repeating patterns in love, finances, family dynamics, or your relationship with your body?
  • Does repeating these patterns make you feel shame? Stuck in a rut? 
  • Do you compare yourself and where you're at in life to others?
  • Does it ever feel like God doesn't have a plan for you, or that the universe is not on your side?
  • Do you feel like you're behind, or in a rush, or otherwise can't get your timing right on your journey of self-development?

Your beliefs create your reality. If you're ready to take responsibility for allll of your reality, the good and bad, if you're being called forward by your Higher Self, if you're asking God for greater intimacy and presence in your day-to-day life, AS WITHIN, SO WITHOUT will offer consistency, accountability, and sustainability. By talking to and listening to your own Inner Being, you will become your own authority, with me as your cheerleader all along the way. I'm your astrologer on retainer, your mystic on speed-dial, and I can teach you the practical techniques that have transformed my own life, and that of my clients, friends, and family over the years.

Beginning with archetypal and karmic astrology, we will get to know who you came here to be. In our first session, we will establish the goals that you have for your year, and decide how to break up those goals into manageable chunks. Each month, we revisit these goals and decide how much space you have to work on them.

Each month, you will receive a 10+ minute self-hypnosis. You can listen to this as often as you want, to become the vibration of your manifestation goals. We break the habit of being ourselves, repatterning new, liberated beliefs from a theta state. Regular access to a theta state is crucial for change, and hypnosis is not the only way to access the theta state. If meditation has been difficult for you in the past, there are other ways we can get you into a theta state.

Each month you will also receive a Google calendar that includes your lunar return (the most powerful days for your work and financial growth) as well as the most powerful transits for your individual goals, as laid out in our calls. These calendar dates can be used to inform things like best travel days, best launch days for your business, best days to manifest and create, best days to rest and recharge. Each of these powerful days will have a short homework assignment for you to maximize the energy available in the universe. If you are used to working with astrology transits only at full and new moons, you are likely leaving energy on the table so to speak. These homework assignments are customized to your chart and your goals, they are not cookie cutter card pulls. By working with transits on a monthly basis, you will deepen your understanding of astrology and chart interpretation, if that is one of your goals.

You will also have access to text or voice memo me via Telegram. Life happens, and questions come up in between our monthly calls. This is your chance to check in with questions about what or when to do what you need to, or to let me know of any issues you're having with your homework.

Whether you are a beginner or advanced student of esoteric symbolism, this ongoing coaching container offers you the chance to have regular feedback and guidance on your journey of transformation and manifestation. It will develop and deepen your relationship with your dreams, your body, and any oracular tools, such as tarot or astrology, that you relate to.

As a 5/1 Projector, I am here to guide others. The profile of the 5/1 is the heretic-investigator. I am here to challenge you, especially your limiting beliefs, and I draw on a lifetime of obsessive study of systems in order to do so. Some of the systems I have deeply studied are astrology, tarot, Human Design, Jungian archetypes, poetry, music, languages and etymology, herbalism, qi gong, feng shui, color theory, hypnosis and meditation, yoga, German New Medicine, wood working, sound healing, strength training, and more. I do not claim certification in these subjects (as a heretic, I reject the concept), but I have devoted my time and energy into understanding these systems and applying them in my own life. I share what has worked for me in order to offer you an example. I use my experience as an investigator to guide you deeper into your own investigation. What systems and symbols speak to YOU? What will break through YOUR limiting beliefs and guide you further into the mystery? I am not here to tell you what to do, I am here to guide you to your own inner knowing as to what is correct for you.
This package includes
  • 1 x 60 min call/month where we invoke the unconscious mind to guide you toward your goals
  • Google calendar of your lunar return and most powerful days each month to manifest your goals, based on your birth chart transits (minimum three transits, additional dates depend upon your goals/capacity)
  • Homework assignments customized to you, to call in the energy available within you and in the stars
  • Guided self-hypnosis recording customized to your manifestation goals
  • Text/audio message support M-F (48 hr maximum response time)
$300 / month
Client Feedback
“ “Readings with Jocelyn are my absolute favorite. (I’ve been to many readers in my life…Jocelyn’s are hands down the most precise, thorough and integrate-able I’ve ever experienced). My readings with her restore meaning in my life, help me understand the greater themes playing out in my life, and how I can work with these energies in harmonious ways, both practically and spiritually. I love how she infuses her readings with her deep knowledge of Jungian psychology, archetypes, German New Medicine, astrology and daoist philosophy. Not only are the readings highly educational, but so entertaining, as she sheds light on such beautiful symbolism, imagery, metaphor, and archetypal language. These readings have become vital in my life when I am in transitional processes/moments in time for providing greater direction and clarity.” ”
— Meredith