Human Design Mini Reading
Heard about Human Design and just want a quick overview of how you can start using it to optimize your life?  This is the place to get started! 

Are you stuck on the question "Who am I and what is my life's purpose?"  Enter Human Design!  Using a combination of ancient systems and modern science based on your exact time of birth, Human Design gives you an energetic blueprint of how your energy shows up in the world and how you  can live your best life.  Generalizations no longer apply!

Human Design is a system that comprises a slew of ancient systems including Astrology and the I-Ching with modern scientific concepts like Quantum Physics and genetics.  Using your unique Human Design, aka your soul's blueprint, I will help you illuminate where and how to access the consciousness of your body as a decision making tool in order to live authentically. I will explain how your decision-making process works (Inner Authority) and how you are designed to interact with the world (Strategy) according to your unique chart.  We will also get insight into how you’ve been conditioned to believe you should live, as opposed to the brilliant and amazing person you truly are!  Get excited to learn how to tune into what is best for YOU in YOUR own most beautifully imagined life! 

In this 30-40 min session, we will look at your Human Design chart and discuss how you can apply your design in your current life and better utilize your energy.  Get ready to explore the person you were BORN to be!  You have a whole world of potential within!
This package includes
  • 1 x 30-40 min Virtual Session via Google Meet
  • Recording of the session, available to download for 30 days after the session 