Intuitive Meditation Energy Healing Sessions Bundle
Bundle your meditation sessions, so we can meet regularly and you can really start seeing the benefits of meditation and energy healing in your everyday life!

Come meditate with me!  This is great for those who have trouble meditating, but know how beneficial it can be and want some of those life changing effects!  You can also come to these sessions prepared with anything you are searching for clarity on or any issue you want to work through - I will guide you to find the truth within yourself.  These sessions double as energy healings, as I’m channelling energy to support you on your inner journey. 

In these 45-55 minute sessions, we will start by grounding down together and then I will begin to channel a guided meditation based on what I sense you need in the moment.  I have an extensive knowledge-base of different kinds of meditation techniques, so when I tap in, I let my connection tell me what to use for you.  I am also a Certified Yoga Nidra Guide and will often use the subconscious reprogramming magic of this ancient meditation technique in my guidance.  When I tap in, I’m channelling energy through the guidance, so these meditation sessions are also energy healings, similar to Reiki.  I also allow these sessions to be Human Design informed, so I’ll will be looking at your chart beforehand and therefore will be asking for your birth info after booking.  If you do not want me to use Human Design as part of our meditation sessions, just leave this blank.
This package includes
  • 4 x 45-55 min Virtual Session via Google Meet
  • Recording of each session, available to download for 30 days after the session 