Ritual Abuse Conquerors Deliverance 9 mos. Training

 Are you called by God to help heal and set people free from the wounds of  satanic ritual abuse? 

Join our application process and sign up for monthly training on Zoom. Individuals will be asked to  fill out a survey and we will let you know if you qualify. We may also ask to meet you ( on zoom )as part of our screening /discerning process. We look forward to equipping the body to deliver God's children who've been recovered or are coming out of darkness.  

  • Learn how to help those with SRA, DID and trauma
  • Learn how to work with Jesus, the King of  Glory to integrate parts
  • Learn how to recognize and access fractured parts and evict demons
  • Recognize the needs of survivors 
  • Avoid unnecessary warfare 
  • Learn to recognize and discern pitfalls and destructive teachings
  • Join a powerful move of God throughout the earth to set captives free from the darkness.
  • Learn to recognize and turn around the agendas of the enemy through TRUTH in Christ Jesus! 
and much more!

 Application and training fees will be a donation to the Go Fund Me account that enables our team to train with the abolitionists retreat in Switzerland with the Exodus Cry ministry. We want to learn more about how to give practical help to those who are being trafficked.  Please understand we cannot refund these.  feel free to donate after you are accepted if that makes you more comfortable.

I personally ( Crystal) believe this training in a small group setting with direct contact with an  Holy Spirit anointed teacher, survivor and rescuer is valued around $750.  

Suggested donation is $250 or more but is  flexible for each individual's circumstances. 

For more info and to give go here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-help-us-get-victims-free

" For with a father's compassion He will save their souls, They will be rescued from tyranny and torture, for their lifeblood is precious in His eyes. Long live this KING!"
Psalm 72:13,14 TPT
This package includes
Training application for monthly training for ritual abuse deliverance. With Elyana our team leader and other guests.