Mud on My Stilettos (WP Consulting Group)
Mud on My Stilettos Accountability & Co-working Membership

In this membership program you will receive*:

*Services/products included as well as price are subject to change at any time as this is a program we build TOGETHER. However, your price is locked in for as long as you are a member.

  • Three Accountability Sessions per month (Group)
    • Three (3) sixty to ninety (60-90) minute large group Accountability Sessions per month. These are held Mondays at 12pm (noon), Central (10am Pacific/11am Mountain/1pm Eastern). This gives three (3) weeks per month to listen/learn/hang out/celebrate/grow as a business person then at least one (1) implementation week per month to work on your business or yourself before we meet again. Accountability Sessions are recorded and available to everyone in the paid membership.
    • If necessary, we may occasionally break into  smaller groups so everyone can get the attention they need and have the chance to ask questions. Keeping the groups small also helps everyone get to know each other on a deeper level which is fun because when someone has a win, it becomes personal for you too! Breakout sessions are NOT recorded as our platform does not have that function at this time. 
  • Two Co-working Sessions per month (Group) 
    • Two (2) sixty (60) minute Co-working Sessions per month (think roughly every other week). This is where you can hop on and just work together in silence or talk/ask questions/brain storm in a breakout room. These are just nice for those of us who work at home and might not have any other adult interactions during the day (ha!). Plus Mud on My Stilettos has a paid meeting platform account, so it's nice to hop in a breakout room and meet with someone and not get booted after 40 minutes (like on free accounts). You ARE ALLOWED TO BRING GUESTS, so this is great if you are wanting to interview someone or you want to co-work with a friend who's not a paying member. These are not recorded.
  • One to two guest speakers per quarter + downloadable notes
    • At least one to two (1-2) guest speakers per quarter (at least one every other month) on topics we need to hear about + downloadable "CliffsNotes" shortly after (so you can focus and be engaged during the session rather than be busy taking notes!). These will be recorded. Think of it as a live private podcast where you get to ask questions!
  • Access to recorded sessions
    • In case you couldn't make it live or just want to re-watch! (I know we already mentioned recordings, but they are quite often very important to people.)
  • Midweek check-in form
    • So we can celebrate your wins the following week in our Accountability Session
  • Ten percent (10%) of membership fee donated to a charity
    • Ten percent (10%) of membership fees that are collected each month are donated to a charity once per quarter. We vote on this as a community! Together we can do great things. - Mother Teresa
    • It's such a great feeling to know you are a woman making a difference in the world.
  • Access to any resources we have on hand that we deem you may need for your business
    • This could be cheat sheets, checklists, workbooks, templates, productivity hacks, and any other resources, tools, or referrals we have on hand that we deem you may need in order to reach your goals


  • One on One "Getting-to-know" You Call. 
    • This is NOT a sales call. This meeting will take place after you join the membership and is simply a way to get to know you and your business on a personal level so we can better understand how to tailor the program to meet YOUR needs. It also helps us put a face with a name!
  • Chance to be featured as "Client of the Week" on our social(s) and/or blog
    • This is where we will feature your company's info in an IG Live or Reel (because those currently get more reach than Posts :-) ) and/or blog which could help your website's SEO. Borrowing someone else's audience is often the best way to grow your own audience and therefore business.  Help us grow as we help you grow.
  • Quarterly Subscription Box, swag and other surprise goodies (U.S. Only)
    • Swag and other surprise goodies sent to you at various times in your membership (Shipping Only Available in the US at this time. Sorry!)
  • Access to a private community (NOT a Facebook Group)...
    • Where you can ask questions, help others, etc. 
    • This is actually open to the public (female entrepreneurs world-wide), but only paying members like you will have Accountability, Co-working, Speaker and other meeting links, recorded sessions, notes, etc. 
      • We occasionally give them a sneak peak of what we are all about, but it's rare. 
  • The occasional meditation and/or mindset session
    • The more these are requested, the more we will have.
  • Virtual meeting backgrounds to use in any meetings...
    • Not just the ones with us. Spice up your day with fun backgrounds!
  • Motivational Desktop and Phone Wallpapers
    • Kind of self-explanatory. Sell these if you want! We don't care! Make that money, girl!
  • Discounts on 1:1 consulting calls (21% off)
    • We know, we know, that's an odd number (literally), but there is a rhyme and reason for our madness, we promise.
  • Advance notice of any live in-person events (luxury females-only business retreats) before they go public
    • The owner of WP Consulting Group and Mud on My Stilettos used to own an event company, so you know these are going to be great! Um, we mean, they will only be great if you join us. 

*Services/products included, as well as price, are subject to change at any time as this is a program we build TOGETHER. 

However, your price is locked in for as long as you are a member.


You can cancel anytime.

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Click here for more information.
This package includes
The less wordy version of the other bulleted list on this page. :-) 
See that list if you need more info.
  • Three Accountability Sessions per month (Group)
  • Two Co-working Sessions per month (Group) 
  • One to two guest speakers per quarter + downloadable notes
  • Access to recorded sessions
  • Midweek check-in form
  • Ten percent (10%) of membership fee donated to a charity
  • Access to any resources we have on hand that we deem you may need for your business
  • One on One "Getting-to-know" You Call. 
  • Chance to be featured as "Client of the Week" on our social(s) and/or blog
  • Quarterly Subscription Box, swag and other surprise goodies (U.S. Only)
  • Access to a private community (NOT a Facebook Group)...
  • The occasional meditation and/or mindset session
  • Virtual meeting backgrounds to use in any meetings...
  • Motivational Desktop and Phone Wallpapers
  • Discounts on 1:1 consulting calls (21% off)
  • Advance notice of any live in-person events (luxury females-only business retreats) before they go public

*Services/products included, as well as price, are subject to change at any time as this is a program we build TOGETHER. 

Remember, your price is locked in for as long as you are a member.


Woman to woman, please know that scholarships are sometimes available. No one in our group will EVER know if you are a recipient. Reach out to '[email protected]' for more information.

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Not sure we are right for you? Hop on a free call to meet us! No hard sales, we promise.
Click here for more information.
12 payments of $57 (monthly)