Suzie Mallett
Leadership Development Profile and 1 debriefing session with an Authorised Coach
Commit2 coaches are authorised in the use and debriefing of the LDP,  a unique tool designed to illuminate your leadership dynamics. This tool involves completing 32 unfinished stems in the LDP Form, unveiling insights into your current Action Logics. The dedicated scoring team at Harthill craft a bespoke LDP Report, a warm and insightful analysis of your unique profile.

The LDP Coaching Debrief, lasting approximately 90 minutes with a Commit2 Coach is seamlessly integrated into your experience. Your Coach will guide you through this insightful process, uncovering layers of understanding about your leadership approach. It's not just about the analysis; it's a warm and collaborative exploration of your leadership journey.
This package includes
  • 1 x 45 min appointment, outlining the process and logistics of implementing the tool
  • 1 x 90 min appointment, 1-2 weeks after you have received your unique LDP, to throughly debrief and work through the insights it has drawn out. 
  • The opportunity to book further sessions with your coach and extract further benefit and insight from the LDP report. This can be discussed with your coach as part of your debriefing session. 
£225 + 1 payment of £175 (every 2 weeks)
Client Feedback
“ Suzie's experience, skills, knowledge, and compassion is reflected in how well she leads our integrated community team ”
— Simonetta Bunting