Empower Hour
Tell me what's going on, what you're struggling with, and what you've tried. 

Together, we'll sort through your strengths and options and brainstorm new strategies for tackling what's happening.

After our call, I'll email you a reminder of what we talked about, any resources I mentioned, and any reminders of what you will work on.
This package includes
  • 1 x 60 min Zoom call
  • Follow-up email with reminders, resources, and whatever else you may need to succeed.
Client Feedback
“ Casey invited me to stretch past my comfort zones and built up my confidence with her sincere positive feedback. Accountability is magic when working towards a goal; Casey also brings experience, compassion, empathy, humor, and just the right amount of pep talk. ”
— Anastasia M.
“ I'd promise it's not just "have you tried a planner" energy. It's real and helpful tips, tools, strategies, and mental shifts that are invaluable. ”
— Molly