Nic Love
Distance Crystal Healing Session - Customized Layout
These support needs and desires can range from grounding, healing support, anxiety/anxiousness, love of self and others, abundance and prosperity and so many more.  These specific needs and desires that you are seeking out can be supported by a customized crystal body layout to bring in more energetic vibrations that align with specific emotional and physical support needs.  

Performing a crystal layout involves placing stones on and around the physical body to create a shift in your energy field.  Crystal layouts can follow geometric patterns or may be done intuitively. The overall purpose is to direct the flow of energy from the stones to shift the energy within your life, mind, body, and world.  A customized layout will be determined based on the intake form that you complete as well as energetic support needs that may come up during the session.  This is the perfect session to book after an initial Chakra Balancing Session to target a specific need or desire that you have identified that you are in need of additional energetic support, provided through the healing energy through crystal therapy.

Your session will include an affirmation at the start of the session that is customized which will provide additional intentional support during your crystal therapy session.  This affirmation will be used through the session and most importantly you will have access to use after our session has completed, which allows for a more connected purposeful energetic integration.  Additional crystal support recommendations will be discussed at the completion of your customized crystal body layout session.

As a Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Practitioner I recognize crystals  as powerful energetic tools, essential that those who use them for therapeutic purposes have had adequate training in oder to do so in an effective yet secure and sensible manner.  As a Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Practitioner I have an understanding of the Human EMF (Electro-Magnetic Field) and how crystals interact with it.  As a Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Practitioner I am trained in how to recognize and remedy energetic imbalances and blockages within this field utilizing crystal energy.

What are the Benefits of Receiving Distance Energy Healing?
  • Results can often be far quicker than hands-on treatment
  • You don’t have to go anywhere to receive the healing (use the comfort of your own home!)
  • It can reach all parts of the world quickly and easily
  • Your privacy is always maintained – no one has to know that you are receiving the healing sessions
This package includes
  • 1 x 90 min distance appointment via Zoom.
    • 10 minutes client intake/review
    • 40-50 minutes crystal therapy chakra sensing and balancing session
    • 5 minutes client grounding
    • Includes 30 minutes messages from spirit Oracle card reading, closing out with overview  feedback.
  • After Session client will receive a detailed "Session Feedback and Recommendations Report"