Be You Health Coaching
Power Up! Three-Months to Creating Sustainable Change
You will be in the driver's seat.  I am honored to be your passenger.  There are things in and out of our control.  My goal is to help you hold space in a compassionate way so you can respond rather than react to the aspects of your health and well-being that matter most to you.   With  20+ years of experience rooted in the service to others in clinical and non-clinical settings, coupled with my Duke University health and well-being training, I am a STRONG partner with the best intentions.

This is a wonderful opportunity if you:

  • Were just diagnosed  or live with a chronic condition and were given suggestions to improve your quality of life but don't know where to start
  • Want to re-evaluate what is important to YOU and need a safe space to explore new goals 
  • Feel 'stuck' and you aren't happy with 'the way things are'
  • You recognize YOU want to make changes but feel you don't have the proper supports
  • Are a caregiver and feel depleted
  • Have lost someone you loved and want to find ways to healthily reengage with YOURSELF and the world around you
This package includes
  • 2 x 60 min appointments, per month (*Try scheduling every-other-week to ensure you have ample time to put your action steps to the test.)
  • A thoughtful look at different areas of your health and well-being using Duke University's Wheel of Health as a foundation
  • Development of your own Personal Health Inventory
  • Support creating SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timebound)
  • Check-ins at every appointment to celebrate wins, identify barriers, and address competing focus areas
  • Opportunities to learn new mindfulness techniques to help you with different areas of your life
  • Monthly worksheets and activities
  • Best of all...increased confidence to engage with your health and well-being in a way that's meaningful to YOU!

 BONUS:  Take advantage of a 90-minute Tune In and Turn Up session at a discounted rate. *A CLIENT EXCLUSIVE DEAL*

The 90-minute Tune In and Turn Up session is a GREAT maintenance opportunity.  Life happens, there will be times you need to dig-in to re-assess what really matters to you.    Every client is offered this session 1x/year, as needed. 
$200 / month