Esperansita Bejnarowicz
Couples Story Work & Online Marriage Course "Debrief & Engagement" - Free Consultation
This package combines the Allender Center Online Marriage Course with dedicated facilitation and Story Work for couples to embark on a journey to discover themselves, and each other, with kindness, compassion & curiosity.

Navigating these waters can sometimes be difficult. You don't have to go it alone. We are here to help guide you through the course content, facilitate deep conversation, and create a safe space for you to share your stories.

What to Expect:
Through both the Online Course Content, facilitated sessions and Story work, you will gain insight and tools to help you engage your own and your partner’s stories and past heartache. Understand how the roots of shame and conflict originating in the Genesis story show up in your own relationship today. This good work will help you turn towards your partner as you bear the image of God on behalf of one another.

Debrief & Engagement Package: (15 hours)
The Debrief & Engagement Package includes eight (8) "Debrief & Engagement" 90 min sessions, plus two (2) additional "Flex" 90 min sessions to be used as needed and/or requested by the participant(s). These "Flex" sessions can be used to process content that needs more attention and/or can be dedicated for specific Story Engagement.  Additional sessions can be added as needed.

Prior to each session, couples will watch the Online Marriage Course video content, either individually or together and answer related questions from the course Workbook. During the facilitated sessions, we will check-in, have open discussion around the course content & workbook questions, then proceed to  engage the different themes and stories that might be coming up for each participant.

More about the Online Marriage Course: (not included - to be purchased separately)
Features 8 lessons and over 25 videos with compelling interaction and teaching from Dr. Dan Allender, Dr. Steve Call and guests, plus a downloadable workbook with reflection questions to go deeper. This  online course will help couples discover how personal stories shape their marriage story and find hopeful pathways forward.

Couples are responsible for the purchase of the Online Marriage Course ($299).
Use code PEOPLEWELL10 at checkout, to apply a 10% discount.
Link to Online Course:

Course  Outline:
Lesson #1 – Leave
Lesson #2 - Triangulation Deep Dive
Lesson #3 – Weave
Lesson #4 – The Battle of Shame
Lesson #5 – The Quadrants of Marriage
Lesson #6 – Cleave
Lesson #7 – Effects of Trauma and Abuse Deep Dive
Lesson #8 - The Way Forward

$1800 per couple - includes 15 hours of session time (10 x 90  min sessions)
                    1 x 30 min - Kick-off Session / Q&A (to be scheduled by participants upon purchase)
                    8 x 90 min - "Debrief & Engagement" Couples Sessions
                    2 x 90 min - "Flex" Sessions to be used at Participant(s) discretion

One time, monthly & weekly payment plans available.
This package includes
1 x 30 min - Couples Discovery & Informational Session