Nic Love
Scheduled Distance Crystal Healing Session - Chakra Balancing
The seven main seven chakras are energy centers, found along the spine.  They are described as swirling vortices of energy, interpreted by the physical and subtle (mental, emotional, and spiritual) bodies, also known as the human energy field (aura/light body).  Since there is a flood of energy constantly coming into the chakras, over time, they can become imbalanced.  The most common way to treat a specific area of the human energy field is through chakra balancing with the healing energy and frequency of crystals. 

Each chakra governs a different area of your life, a different part of your emotions, etc.  Each chakra center resonates with a particular energy frequency.  By introducing a crystal of the corresponding frequency into the physical location of the chakra, you can balance and harmonize the energy of the chakra if it’s imbalanced.  You are filled with an internal rainbow in the body, these are the chakras or energy systems that connect the vibrational frequencies of light through the body and with universal source energy.  If everything is in alignment and energy is able to flow it allows the body to draw on the light frequencies of the chakras to either increase or decrease the vibrational energy in the body.  This becomes important when we understand that chakras out of balance or stuck can begin to create un-ease and illness in the body.  To help heal your own energy you can begin to use the vibrational frequency of color and use crystals to help realign internal rainbow or chakra system.

As a Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Practitioner (HM CCP) I recognize crystals  as powerful energetic tools, essential that those who use them for therapeutic purposes have had adequate training in oder to do so in an effective yet secure and sensible manner.  As a HM CCP, I have an understanding of the Human EMF (Electro-Magnetic Field) and how crystals interact with it.  I am trained in how to recognize and remedy energetic imbalances and blockages within this field utilizing crystal energy.

What are the Benefits of Receiving Distance Energy Healing?
 • Results can often be far quicker than hands-on treatment
• You don’t have to go anywhere to receive the healing (use the comfort of your own home!)
• It can reach all parts of the world quickly and easily
• Your privacy is always maintained – no one has to know that you are receiving the healing sessions

* Although crystal healing can give great benefits, it should never replace professional medical advice.
This package includes
  • 1 x 90 min distance appointment via Zoom.
    • 10 minutes client intake/review
    • 40-50 minutes crystal therapy chakra sensing and balancing session
    • 5 minutes client grounding
    • Includes 30 minutes crystal review and session review with feedback.
  • After Session client will receive a detailed "Session Feedback and Recommendations Report"