Dr Rachel Beanland
Reset Your Medical Career Course

Reset Your Medical Career Course

A transformative course specifically designed for doctors who feel stuck and confused and want clarity on the next steps in their careers. 

Are you a doctor feeling overwhelmed, unfulfilled or stuck in your current role? Do you dream of a career that aligns with your passions and values, allowing you to thrive professionally and personally? The Reset Your Medical Career Course is here to help you make that dream a reality! 

Do any of these resonate with you?

  • Struggling to know what to do next in your career?
  • Feeling guilty for wanting to leave your current specialty?
  • Needing clarity on your transferable skills and how to use them?
  • Seeking a role that doesn't bring the same stress and pressure?
  • Worrying about the financial implications of a career change?
  • Are you longing for more time to invest in your well-being?
  • Searching for more meaning and value in your work?
  • Wishing you had more energy for the things that bring you joy?
  • Want to feel more confident about stepping into a new career?
  • Craving a better work-life balance?
  • Ready to commit to doing something you love in medicine?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then the Reset Your Medical Career Course is for you!

Course overview

Welcome and Introduction: Start with an overview of what to expect and tips on getting the most out of the course. 

Module 1: How to accept where you are right now so you can move forward with confidence
. Celebrate your career successes and acknowledge your current situation to identify and challenge the limiting beliefs stopping you from moving forward.

Module 2: How to follow your passions so you can do medicine differently.
Explore and understand how to align your passions with your expertise, allowing you to practice medicine in a way that has a greater impact and brings you fulfillment.

Module 3: How to maintain a positive mindset, so you feel good during your career transition. Learn how to protect yourself from negative influences and expectations so you can feel healthy and happy as you transition your career.

BONUS: Being calmer and more present (Value €47) a video training session exploring simple techniques to create a daily routine to help you feel calmer and more present with your friends and family. 

BONUS: Healthy Boundaries Mastery (Value €57) a video masterclass and toolkit for setting healthy boundaries that protect your wellbeing. 

BONUS: Mindful Career Goal Setting Toolkit  (Value €99) a step-by-step guide to setting mindful and achiveable career goals.

BONUS: Personal goal-setting session   (Value €250)
a 30-minute 1:1 coaching session with Dr  Rachel Beanland to clarify your career goals and develop a clear plan for your next steps. 

Meet Your host: Dr Rachel Beanland, MD: 

I have a flexible career as a Public Health Consultant, physician coach and mindfulness meditation teacher. I specialise in helping doctors transition to a flexible career outside of full-time clinical medicine so they can control their time, have more balance and make a bigger impact.
I trained in clinical medicine in the UK before transitioning to Public Health and following my passion for Global Health and holistic wellness. Working in hospital medicine, I loved the interaction with patients, the teamwork with colleagues and the opportunities for learning but felt drained of energy. Life outside the wards was chaotic, and I had zero time to prioritize my own health. I wanted to find a meaningful career path and make a bigger impact. I knew I wanted to feel fulfilled by my work but not at the expense of my well-being.
Over the past 15+ years, I’ve discovered how to create a career that I love—one that allows me to stay healthy, make conscious decisions about my work, and impact health on a global scale.
I believe that the joy of medicine is diversity; the joy of life is that we are all unique.  An amazing work-life balance is possible in medicine and looks different for everyone! We each have the power to create our paths to happiness, and I’m here to help you find yours.

Why This Course is Different:

Designed by a Physician for Physicians: With years of experience in medicine, coaching, and mindfulness, I've crafted this course to address the unique challenges and aspirations of physicians looking to transition their careers.
Mindfulness-Driven Approach:
Mindfulness practices are integrated throughout the course to help you stay grounded, reduce stress, and make powerful decisions with confidence.
Actionable, Step-by-Step Guidance:
You'll receive practical tools and strategies that you can apply immediately to start your career transition.

Who Is The Reset Your Medical Career Course For?

This course is perfect for doctors who are ready to:

  • Embrace a more holistic approach to their careers.
  • Find balance, peace, and fulfilment in both their professional and personal lives.
  • Transition into roles that resonate with their core values and passions.
  • Align their careers with their true passions and values.
  • Move past feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or unfulfilled in their current medical role.
  • Seek a flexible career that allows them to thrive both professionally and personally.
  • Take actionable steps toward creating a fulfilling and balanced medical career.


How long will it take to complete the course?
The course is self-paced, allowing you to move through the material at your own speed. On average, participants complete it in 4-6 weeks, but you can take more or less time depending on your schedule and needs.

What if I don’t have a clear idea of what I want to do next?
This course is designed to help you gain clarity on your next steps. Through guided exercises and self-reflection, you'll explore your passions, values, and career options, so you can make confident decisions about your future.

Will I receive any support during the course?
Yes, in addition to the course content there’s a bonus 1:1 coaching session included to help you set personal goals and get tailored advice.

What makes this course different from other career transition programs?
This course is specifically tailored for doctors, combining career coaching with mindfulness practices to address the unique challenges faced by medical professionals. It’s not just about finding a new job; it’s about creating a career that truly aligns with who you are.

Can I still benefit from the course if I’m not ready to make a big career change yet?
Absolutely. The course is about exploring your options and gaining clarity. Even if you’re not ready to make a major change right now, the tools and insights you’ll gain will help you make more informed decisions in the future.
This package includes
  • Weekly content (3 modules delivered in 15 sessions). 
  • BONUS: Being calmer and more present video training  
  • BONUS: Mindful Career Goal Setting Toolkit  
  • BONUS: Healthy Boundaries Mastery
  • BONUS: Personal goal-setting session 
  • Downloadable resources
  • Lifetime access
2 payments of €299 (monthly)
Client Feedback
“ Truly excellent! After only 1 session I was already feeling calmer, more positive & more grounded and I was so grateful to Rachel for providing such a healing and purposeful space! ”
— Victoria, UK
“ I really enjoyed this - I am finding lots of things I am continuing to think about during the day & wanting to talk to my partner & friends about all my new thoughts! ”
— Helen, New Zealand
“ Eyeopening & I appreciated learning! ”
— Tatenda, Zimbabwe
“ Thank you for some really thought-provoking sessions. I took so many fantastic nuggets from it! ”
— Aisling, UK