Robin Clark
Date Like a Feminist — AT HOME!

If you missed this Spring's live class, the new AT HOME version is available now through 6/20!

At home? Yes! You'll watch the class recordings on your own. But you'll also have access to:

• Support from me in 3 Q&A Zoom calls & in the DLAF Facebook group.
• The camaraderie of other women who are going through this process with you.

This is not just an informational class — it's a deep process of unlearning & relearning that hugely benefits from having guidance & community support. So, I've designed it to give you everything you need to succeed so you can truly learn to date like a feminist! Read on...

This 8-week class is for growth-oriented women who want to feel empowered to make self-honoring choices while dating. 

This is not a class about "How to get a man." (Though, of course I hope you meet someone who is a fantastic fit for you.)

This is a class about how to be an excellent partner TO YOURSELF when dating so that you can make choices that honor your true needs.

What's wild is women are taught to focus on relationship above all else. Yet we're given very little (if any!) useful guidance on HOW to choose people who are healthy for us. 

In this class we're going to change all that!

We're going to unpack the sexist, dependency-based, pick me messages you inherited. Reframe dating, relationship, and love through a feminist perspective. And load you up with actionable skills you can start using right away to date and explore relationship in a much more empowered way.


Because not only are we going to upgrade your dating skills & open your eyes with some illuminating self-reflection, we’re going to unpack the massively disempowering "good girl" patriarchal messages we learned about dating & relationships. Things like:

You need to be who others are comfortable with you being to be loved. Being chosen is how you find fulfillment & identity in life. You'll be lost & lonely without "someone." Love is something you earn by giving to others, not about also being loved. Requiring partners to meet you half-way is asking too much. It’s your job to make relationships work. You're selfish for wanting more. Etc.

These messages make women feel scared and desperate… which is the whole point. I know it’s easier said than done, but we are not doing this anymore. We are cancelling our subscription to being desperate, naive, non-threatening maidens who want to be saved. We are upgrading our whole approach to being women who deeply love ourselves & are looking to be MET. And, most importantly, we are developing the skills to deliver on this! I don’t know of anything more radically feminist each of us can do.

If this is the dating and relationship upgrade you're looking for, please join me for this unique, feminist-oriented dating class!


You'll watch the class recordings on your own but have access to coaching support from me in 3 1-hr Q&A calls on Zoom & ongoingly in the DLAR Facebook group!

When you sign up, you'll receive the first class. Three days later you'll receive the 2nd class. From there on, you'll receive a class each week for the next 7 weeks.

You may want to binge this. But I promise there's a LOT in each class & you'll appreciate having time to let the info integrate.

You'll also have a cohort of women going through this process with you, which is why I'm making it available for just a few weeks so you're all starting at the same time-ish. You can connect with them & the larger DLAF community in our FB group as much or as little as you'd like!

Between 16 hrs of recorded classes, 3 1-hr Q&A Zoom calls with me, ongoing access to coaching support in our FB group, & social support with other like-minded women —

Your days of feeling confused about how to vet people and wishing someone had taught you how prioritize yourself while dating are about to be over!


DLAF is an 8 class journey that weaves feminist insights, self-reflection, and practical dating skills together into an empowering framework that will help you wildly upgrade your ability to make self-honoring relationship choices. The first half of the class is self-reflective. The second half of the class is skill-building.

Week 1 — Welcome & the patriarchal relationship
The patriarchal relationship we were all born into & how to evolve it into the equitable relationship I know each of you want!

Week 2 — What do you want & non-negotiables
No more settling or compromising your true desires. It's time to own what you truly want, raise your standards, & don't hold back!

Week 3 — Imago pt. 1: Your pattern
You know what you want. Now it's time to get to know the patterns you inherited that have been doing "the choosing" all along.

Week 4 — Imago pt. 2: Who you choose & the role you've played
How has your family patter played itself out in your relationships? When you know the relationship loop you've been on, you can now step in & start making more intentional choices about what's healthy for you — not just what's familiar. 

Week 5 — Green & red flags
It's time to sharpen your green & red flag detector so you can choose people who are healthy for you!

Week 6 — Get your first date game ON!
No more being charming, hoping for the best, & wasting your own time. Be authentic, create a safe plan, & learn how to gracefully "lift up the hood" on the first date to figure out if you're even in the ballpark with this person. 

Week 7  — The vetting process
Learn how to hold your boundaries while getting to know someone, allowing them to show you who they are & feeling into the resonance between you, moving forward in a grounded way & being ok to say goodbye when it's not a healthy fit. 

Week 8 — Love, integration, & completion
What is love, really? And how do we break free from old definitions & roles that no longer fit so we're free to show up authentically & experience love in our lives that truly nourishes us.  


• Learn empowered dating skills through a self-reflective, feminist lens.
• Reclaim your power from the pressure to "be chosen” & become the chooser by first choosing yourself.
• Replace disempowering patriarchal, good girl messages you received about love & relationship with feminist perspectives that lift you up. 
• Clarify your true needs, boundaries, & deal breakers so you can meet new people feeling confident about what does & does not work for you. 
• Feel more mature & skillful in how you approach dating & relationship.
• Ultimately be in a mutually supportive, non-patriarchal relationship & you sense doing some work to unpack your own internalized patriarchy will help you be ready for this.
• Do this work with a group of women who are just as motivated to grow & evolve their approach to dating & relationship as you are!


• Just want something light & easy that will give you a few quick tips to make dating more fun but aren't interested in more substantive change. 
• Feel rushed & stressed about finding someone asap because you're very ill at ease being single.
• Don’t want to self-reflect about your side of things & believe finding someone who seems better will fix things in your life. 
• Want a traditional patriarchal relationship where you’re the nurturing side-kick to a partner who is the center (polarity teachings describe this as being "in your feminine" so you can find a man who "leads.")
• Want a highly polished class with perfect lighting. This class recording is a direct recording of the last time I offered DLAF live. It's authentic, conversational, down to earth, with occasional glitches & interruptions from my cat. If you want to feel like you're truly taking a class with me, you'll love it. If you want something super polished, this isn't for you.

I want you to feel like you're at the grocery store when you're full —satisfied in yourself & able to make empowering choices that meet your true needs.

Good girl socialization makes us feel disconnected from our authentic self and teaches us to search for our identity and sense of completeness in other people. This inner deprivation creates dependency that leads us to make self-abandoning choices.

I don’t want this for you. I want you to feel FULL within yourself, able to make discerning choices with ease, and look for people who compliment you, not complete you... you're already complete!

If this is the vibe you want for yourself as well and you want support to develop the skills to deliver on this, please join me for this unique, feminist-oriented dating class!


• LIVE Q&A calls on Zoom: Saturdays at 10a pst — June 22, July 13, & July 27. 

• INVESTMENT: Pay what you can!
Suggested price: $340-$680. Those of you who are flush, please pay with generosity.  All of you who have been thinking about writing me for sliding scale spots, you can now pick what works for you with total ease.

Try the first class & see what you think! If you love it, great. If not, send me an email ([email protected]) within 48 hours of your purchase for a full refund. If you email me to cancel after that, I'll send you a pro-rated refund based on how many classes you've received at the time of your email.

• STRUCTURE: One you sign up, you'll immediately receive the first class. Three days later you'll receive the 2nd class. From there on, you'll receive a class each week for the next 7 weeks. You may want to binge this. But I promise there's a LOT in each class & you'll appreciate having time to let the info integrate. While you're doing this class you'll have access to coaching support from me in 3 1-hr Q&A Zoom calls & ongoingly in the FB group. You'll also have the social support of other like-minded women who are doing this class with you as well as the larger DLAF community in our FB group.

• DATING APPS? This is not required. But if you're interested in putting what you learn to use so you can get support and feedback, it's worth considering getting on at least 1 dating app while you're in this class. 


I'm a feminist-oriented coach and photographer for women. I've worked with women individually and in groups for 20 years. I'm an advocate for women to get free from the codependent, good-girl conditioning that has us looking for security in others. And a guide supporting women to cultivate a solid sense of ground within.

For nearly a decade I facilitated intuition development classes in SF and LA teaching women how to tune into their knowing and deep-down truth — and have the courage to follow it. Prior to that I facilitated several groups a day for about 5 years as a mental health counselor in treatment centers. I've also facilitated hundreds of art classes, holding space for people to tap into their creativity.

In recent years, I’ve been posting daily feminist missives on IG & hosting a whole collection of classes & workshops aimed at helping women recover their authentic personhood & own their power.

My motivation for offering Date Like a Feminist is to pass onto you my hard-won wisdom so that you can strengthen your ability to be a committed partner to yourself while dating sooner & with more ease than I did.

Real talk: I grew up being told some seriously old-school relationship advice. Things like "You need to become who men want you to be" and "It's your job to help men grow." I knew at the time this was terrible advice. But because it was so deeply modeled and required of me, I spent the first 25 years of my dating career repeating it. Until I didn't.

I want that "until I didn't" moment to happen sooner for you. So my intention for this class, and all my offerings, is to be an open book sharing everything I've learned so you can receive the tools, skills, insights, and support you need to approach dating and relationship in a way that works for YOU.

If this is the personalized feminist education and support you need to up your dating game, please join me! 
This package includes
This 8-week class for growth-oriented women will help you wildly upgrade how you approach dating & relationship. We’re going to unpack the sexist, dependency-based, pick me messages you inherited. Reframe dating, relationship, and love through a feminist perspective. And load you up with actionable skills you can start using right away to date and explore relationship in a much more empowered way.  
3 payments of $227 (monthly)
3 payments of $200 (monthly)
2 payments of $250 (monthly)
2 payments of $225 (monthly)
2 payments of $200 (monthly)
2 payments of $150 (monthly)
2 payments of $100 (monthly)
Client Feedback
“ Robin’s unique & straight forward delivery is amazing — the class feels like a blend of therapy & talking to a girlfriend in the best possible way. I have spotted so many issues in my mindset that need to shift that I have not seen in 15 years of therapy. ”
— H
“ I'm in the healthiest relationship of my life after taking Robin's Date Like a Feminist class. I'm finally in a dynamic that makes me feel supported as I grow & release the layers of good girl, stepping into the woman I want & deserve to be. ”
— L
“ When I took DLAF I wasn't dating & really wasn’t interested. I'd made so many dating mistakes, I felt hopeless & frustrated. DLAF taught me so much about myself; it goes way beyond dating alone. I'm so glad I took this class. I feel more mindful about dating & also about other relationships in my life. Robin was the best guide for this journey into myself. ”
— Y