Crystal Garcia
6 Months One-on-One Wellness Coaching
Engage in weekly one-on-one coaching sessions where we dive into targeted discussions and strategies over a 6 month period. Each session provides a consistent space for growth, and actionable steps towards your goals.

To get started:
  1. Book your first sessions (you will have the opportunity to book additional sessions via the client portal after checkout, or after your session).
  2. Review & sign the client agreement
  3. Pay & checkout (pay in full and save, or pay monthly)
  4. Fill out the client intake form on the next page.  Make sure to fill out the form in as much detail as possible  
  5. Check your email for a confirmation from Paperbell (the booking software I use), with details regarding your first session, dial-in links, etc. 
This package includes
  • Access to client portal
  • 26 x 30 min weekly appointments (6 months)
  • 5 Pre-recorded video lessons covering Human Design, Mindset, Self-awarenss, unleraning/dismantling of conditioned responses
  • Bonus Resources: Coaching Companion Journal, Radical Shifts Workbook, Shadow Work Journal & Prompts, Pre-recorded video lessons, Pre-recorded Visualizations
  • Support and check-ins outside of our weekly coaching sessions

*Pay in full and save, or pay monthly over time
6 payments of $250 (monthly)
Client Feedback
“ I had the pleasure of being coached weekly by Crystal for four months. What I enjoyed most throughout our sessions was her ability to keep me on task and to gently guide me back to my own “mental library & database” where all of my answers were hiding. She intuitively knew what to ask and when to ask in such a manner that made the whole process serious and fun at the same time. Crystal's holistic coaching approach facilitated growth in all areas of my well-being. I highly recommend hiring her to help you uncover your “not self” and to guide you through your deconditioning and onto your path of recovery. ”
— Sonya