Kristine Oller
Strategy: Milestone 3-Pack

These three Milestone sessions will add guidance, structure, and accountability to your journey.

As you cross your bridge, I want to help you put your foot on the gas… but I also want to help you take your foot off of the brake.

Sometime in life, we attempt to move forward with one foot on the gas and, simultaneously,  one foot on the brake (consciously or unconsciously).  We expend a lot of effort while experiencing only a bit of herky-jerky progress. 

How we use our gas – and, especially, how we use our brakes – have a lot to do with the stories we tell ourselves. Identifying the stories that drain you of energy, unwinding from them, and countering them with better-feeling stories will help you move forward with increased ease.

A smoother ride across your bridge lets you fully enjoy the scenery.

We can also examine your choices and options around how you are using your resources (of time, energy, and money). We can look at what you are currently saying “yes” to and “no” to (and how you are handling all of the countless, lingering “maybes”). We can consider what you are waiting for or wishing for that might be unconsciously preventing you from taking action.

As we work together, you’ll start to feel even more comfortable and confident around claiming and creating space in your schedule, negotiating responsibilities, and plugging your mental energy leaks. You’ll start to feel even more comfortable and confident around growing at a faster pace. And you'll develop new approaches to problem solving, decision making, planning, and delegating (among other things).

You life will begin to have a whole new texture.

Less friction, more flow.

This package includes

  • three 90 min sessions

  • we can speak via the phone or Zoom

  • sessions expire 12 months from date of purchase

  • this is is a non-refundable investment


All sessions are confidential between the two of us and I record them only so that you have a copy of the conversation to refer back to. You’ll receive a post-session email from me which will include a link to a page where you can download the mp3 file.

Formal preparation is NOT required for our private sessions – you are welcome to show up as-is and we can take it from there. Some clients email me notes in advance of our sessions (at least 24 hours, please), while others use our time together to feel their way around an issue or a project. Either way works.

2 payments of $680 (monthly)