Mariah Johnston
Discovery Call
Unlock Your Potential with a Free Discovery Call
A discovery call is your opportunity to explore the benefits of coaching and determine how it can help you achieve your personal and professional goals. Here’s why you should book a free discovery call:

Personalized Exploration
  • Understanding Your Needs: During the discovery call, we will take the time to understand your unique needs, challenges, and aspirations. This personalized approach ensures that we can tailor our coaching services to meet your specific goals.
  • Clarifying Your Goals: Discuss your goals and gain clarity on what you want to achieve. This initial conversation helps you identify your priorities and set a clear direction for your personal and professional growth.

Expert Insights and Guidance
  • Professional Expertise: Speak with a Nationally Board Certified Health Coach and an ACC with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), who holds dual master’s degrees in Health Promotion and Education, and Learning Experience Design. Benefit from their extensive knowledge and experience.
  • Coaching Approach: Learn about the coaching process, methodologies, and techniques used to facilitate your growth and development. Understand how our coaching approach can help you overcome obstacles and achieve lasting success.

No-Obligation Consultation
  • Risk-Free Exploration: The discovery call is a no-obligation, free consultation. It’s designed to help you explore whether coaching is the right fit for you without any commitment.
  • Open Dialogue: Engage in an open and honest conversation about your goals and concerns. This dialogue helps establish a foundation of trust and understanding between you and the coach.

Customized Coaching Plan
  • Tailored Recommendations: Based on your needs and goals, receive tailored recommendations for coaching packages or sessions that best suit your requirements. This customized approach ensures you receive the most relevant and effective support.
  • Actionable Insights: Gain actionable insights and initial strategies that you can start implementing right away. Even from this initial call, you’ll leave with valuable takeaways.

Understanding the Benefits
  • Exploring Value: Understand the full range of benefits that coaching can offer, including improved self-awareness, goal achievement, and personal growth. See how coaching can provide you with the tools and support needed to thrive.
  • Commitment to Growth: Discover how committing to a coaching relationship can lead to transformative changes in your life, helping you unlock your potential and achieve your aspirations.

Building a Connection
  • Personal Rapport: Use the discovery call to establish a personal connection with the coach. Building rapport and trust is essential for a successful coaching relationship, and this call provides the perfect opportunity to see if we’re a good fit.
  • Shared Vision: Ensure that our vision and values align with yours. A shared vision enhances the effectiveness of the coaching process and ensures that we are working towards common goals.

Take the first step towards a brighter future by booking your free discovery call today. Explore the possibilities, gain clarity on your goals, and see how expert coaching can help you achieve lasting success. Schedule your call now and begin your journey to personal and professional fulfillment.
This package includes
  • 1 x 30 min. appointment