Rhonda Parry
Conscious Leadership Accelerator - CLA - 6 wks online

Through this experience you will....

  • Develop the habit of self-reflection and track your evolution as a conscious leader 
  • Build an internal toolbox of practices to regulate your nervous system and alchemize stress
  • Learn to leverage your own neuro-plasticity to establish new practices to increase inner peace
  • Tap into the intelligence and wisdom of your heart to access dormant wisdom and intuition
  • Diminish the power of triggers and/or challenging people through mindful awareness and presence
  • Live more into your desired future instead of the programs of your limited past
  • Tap into your creative power and potential to bring your desires to life
  • Co-regulate and Co-create with like-minded/hearted humans
This package includes

Choose your own ADVENTURE! 

  • 18 Weekly Visioning & Learning Group Experience Zooms
    Weekly Connection Experiences – where you integrate learnings and create a vision for your next week, to accelerate your healthy relationships with each other. Guided by Rhonda Parry
  • 30+ Self-Paced Micro-Training Videos inside of an easy to use platform
    Review & go deeper with Awakening Conscious Leadership content with daily videos – about 10mins a day that will deepen your learning on CL.  Led by Adair Cates
  • Daily Conscious Leadership Journaling Pages
    So you can continue your CL journey at your convenience. These are the fewest number  of questions we can ask ourselves in a day that will accelerate your CL journey. 
  • BONUS 1 x 1:1 Coaching Session with Rhonda, valued at $230 (for first 10 sign ups).
  • Kick off + Closing ceremonies!