Earth Priestess Training - Year one

Amelie Summer

  • Package
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This is not like any other priestess training. I train ‘chop wood, carry water’ priestesses who want to make a difference in the world.

We come together in a coven to do the deep work, to hold space for each other as we learn to open to the wisdom of our own bodies via breathwork, movement and somatic practices, to find our own truth and to step into empowered leadership for the earth.

We honour the Goddess in all her forms through and in nature and learn from the wisdom of the natural world via ritual, honouring of the seasons, nature-based practices and the study of the Celtic ogham.

We practice the skills of creating meaningful ritual, facilitating women’s circles, leading with power from within, not power over, building consensus, guiding meditation and trance journeys.

We work in an embodied way with story, archetypes and myth making. We reclaim our ancient stories and weave new myths that empower and inspire.

And we also study the tools through which we can start to live in true reciprocity with the living earth, the basics of permaculture, social permaculture, and conservation medicine.

Year One:  Connection and Heart Opening
·      Deep connection to each of the four elements and to source
·      Connection to lunar and menstrual cycle
·      Seasonal cycles – solar cycle and life stages
·      Creating an internal sacred sanctuary
·      Grounding
·      Regulating the nervous system to be able to hold energy and stay centred
·      Self-love and nurturing the self
·      Reclaiming our sacred pleasure
·      Active hope 
·      Healing sister wounds
·      Living in harmony with the land
·      Permaculture principles
·      Women in conservation and ecofeminism
·      Decolonising conservation
·      Goddesses of the earth – Brighid, Nemetona, Gaia, Artemis, orishas, Pachamama, Cybele, Danu, Demeter, Baba Yaga…
·      The Celtic Ogham
·      Finding and embodying your priestess archetype
·      Connecting with your own land and the spirits of place

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This package includes
  • 1 x 60 min 1:1 appointment
  • 12 x 90 min group calls
  • 2-3 Workshops with guest speakers
  • Initiation as Daughter of the Earth
  • Prerequisite for Year Two Training - Earth Priestess 


6 payments of £280 (monthly)
12 payments of £145 (monthly)
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