Susie Jackson
One Client, One Rate Increase
Know you need to raise your rates but terrified of losing clients? Feeling paralysed about what to do but know your business needs to be bringing in more money?

Most business coaches would tell you to push through the fear and raise your rates anyway. But I know it’s not that easy, and feeling afraid to do that means you’re probably taking no action at all.

My approach is different.

Choose one client to raise your rate with and let me help you figure out how to do it in a way that feels manageable and holds as little risk as possible.

After you make your payment, you’ll fill out a form to tell me about the client you’ve chosen.

Give me two weeks and I’ll provide you with a  customised plan for raising your rate with this client, including the email text to send them and guidance on what to do in a range of possible scenarios that could follow.

Of course, I can’t guarantee that the client will say yes to the rate increase - that’s dependent on so many factors, not least their budget! But I can help you feel ready for whatever they say in response to your email. And by doing it with just one client, you aren’t rocking the boat in any other client relationships.

My aim is to give you a strategy that’s easy for you to implement and feels as comfortable as possible while still tackling a difficult subject. And hopefully you’ll get a rate increase out of it too!

One client, one rate increase.

Let’s do this!
Client Feedback
“ I first turned to Susie for help raising my rates at the beginning of 2022. The impact it had on my business was so great that I did it again at the beginning of 2023 and 2024. My 2022 income was 50% higher than in 2021 and in 2023 it was 35% higher than in 2022. Right now (end of August 2024) I've already made slightly more than last year at the same time, but I've managed to squeeze in 2 more weeks of holidays than last year. Susie has changed my mindset and given me a solid process to follow. I've definitely gained new customers over the years, but the rate increases have helped me to earn more in the same time and so far I've only had two agencies that have started sending me less work. The rest of them have kept their workflow stable and one has even started sending me more work. Also, doing the increases every other month meant that I didn't have any fears of a sudden drop in work and I was able to readjust and anticipate or postpone the next increase depending on the client's reaction. I definitely recommend Susie's kind approach and resources to every colleague. ”
— Chiara Vecchi