Lisamarie Shires
Treatment Calls that Close ~ Masterclass
Get more wins and money in the bank because you have the insider-intel that’ll put you in front of your competition on your next treatment call.

After sitting in treatment calls for the last 15 years, I’ve seen it all. 

Incredible winning pitches, actual tears, no-shows, strong starts and weak finishes (and vice versa).

I’ve seen total misreads of the brief, nervous nellies, over promising, under promising, delightfully surprising execution…it spans the gamut. 

Too many times, I’ve watched the person that SHOULD have won the job (creatively) lose due to factors that probably weren’t even on their radar…

…believing the creative would stand on its own (you spent hours nerding out on the deck design)
…asking the wrong questions (or none at all)
…presenting with low energy/excitement (because this is “serious” and you are “professional”)
…thinking their level of preparation will go unnoticed (hint: it doesn’t)
…letting nerves run the show (your friend, Emotion, wasn’t invited to were)

Your creative ideas crave your leadership.  

You can lead better when you have a full picture on how it all works behind the scenes.

So, give me a mug, because I’m going to happily spill the tea.

I’m the only EP out there sharing a behind the scenes breakdown at this level (or sharing at all) - because I give a sh*t about my production people and their success.

I started at ground zero and worked my way all the way up. 

And now I’m making the mentorship that I wish I had at each stage of my production career accessible to the masses.

In this free, nothing-like-it masterclass, I’ll be sharing the stuff that goes into decision making, aside from the creative, so that commercial filmmakers and photographers like you can step into the room with total confidence.

It’s all going down on September 27th at 12pm ET, LIVE.

In this 60 minute masterclass, you’ll learn how to approach the call so you can enter the treatment phase as a leader and with a prep and presentation structure that better positions you for a win.

I’m a 100% open book, so the extended Q&A at the end will be worth its weight in gold. 

This is your chance to ask a seasoned EP all of the questions you’ve never been able to ask - judgment-free. 

Can’t come live? A limited-time replay will be provided within our private FB group.

Kickoff your next treatment call with the knowledge you need to get into the decision maker's heads, feel good about your approach and walk away knowing you were more ready than ever before.
