Victoria Werner
Your Learning, Your Way: Redefining Personalized Education & Coaching. Striving to be the mentor I wish I had growing up. Let's chat!
TEACHING: Solo Session
Do you only need a brush-up on a certain subject? Fearful of commitment? Want to try out the "Werner Way" before getting a package? Here's a great place to start!
TEACHING: 4 Session Subscription
Set it and forget it! 4 Sessions/month whenever you'd like them... plus, I got rid of the hassle of repurchasing every month! It's a win-win!
TEACHING: 8 Session Package
8 Tutoring Sessions whenever you'd like them! This package includes lots of bonus materials. Check them out below. Payment plans available!
TEACHING: 12 Session Package
12 Tutoring Sessions whenever you'd like them—perfect for multiple sessions a week or to cover you for a semester of high-quality tutoring! Check out the bonuses below. Payment plans available!
MENTORSHIP: Accountability Partner Package!
Hey, it's Victoria, your accountability partner eager to help you stay on top of your commitments!
Transformation & Creative Life Coaching: Consultation
We often hear the clichés "the world is your oyster" and "you only live once" and "life is short" but none of these quotes provide any guidance on what to do with that oyster, that one life, nor that "short" time span. That's where I come in! Take a moment and invest in YOU and your future. This is the first step and it's a courageous one. I'm honored you're considering taking it with me :).
Teaching: Complimentary Consultation
Is she a right fit for me? What's her vibe? What's her approach to teaching? What's her plan with me? Answer all of these questions and more with me in this *free* session!
College Prep: Complimentary Consultation
Unsure? Confused? Terrified? Unmotivated? Hey, I've been there! Join me for a candid complimentary consultation where I simplify and demystify next steps, all while learning more about you!
Check out my client testimonials!
To explore my client testimonials, please click here!