Wanda Moore
WEEKLY - 3 MONTHS/90 Days of Scattering Seeds of Possibility
"Scattering Seeds of Possibility"- taking action that could lead to positive change. We can plant the seeds of new ideas, healthier relationships, opportunities or potential outcomes that can lead to positive changes or growth...by simply taking a step forward and partnering with an experienced Life Coach for attainable results.
I trusted the process for myself and the support of the partnership along the way. That's why I am excited to share your journey and partner with you towards your goal of "what matters most to YOU" .   No one knows you more than you.  My role is to listen, support, motivate and facilitate during this process and assist you in attaining your goal.
BI-WEEKLY 6 MONTHS/120 Days Scattering Seeds of Possibility
"Scattering Seeds of Possibility"- taking action that could lead to positive change. We can plant the seeds of new ideas, healthier relationships, opportunities or potential outcomes that can lead to positive changes or growth...by simply taking a step forward and partnering with an experienced Life Coach for attainable results.
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