Transforming burnout to bliss through radical self care!
My Blyssful Life 1:1 Radical Self-Care Coaching
The My Blyssful Life 1:1 Radical Self-Care Coaching Program is designed to guide you on a transformative journey to create a Blyssful Life that reflects your values, needs, and desires.
90-Minute Self-Care Alchemy Intensive w/ Voxer Support
Are you a high-performing woman feeling burnt out? Ready to take back your power and regain your energy? Discover how through the radical self-care framework with our 90-Minute Self-Care Alchemy Intensive. 
90-Minute Self-Care Alchemy Intensive
Are you a high-performing woman feeling burnt out? Ready to take back your power and regain your energy? Discover how through the radical self-care framework with our 90-Minute Self-Care Alchemy Intensive. 
Voxer VIP Day: Customized Self-Care Plan & Support
 Chat with me all day (10-4)  on Voxer to set up your radical self-care plan, work through burnout blocks, AMA (ask me anything), build better boundaries, etc. Perfect for introverts, ADHD, and neurodivergent humans. 
Encouragement & Clarity Intensive Session
A transformative 60-minute session designed to uplift and bring clarity. 
Discovery Call
Book a session with me today, and let's start your journey toward a healthier and more fulfilling life.
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