Although I am a licensed clinical social worker, while working in the capacity as a coach, my services do not replace the psychotherapeutic care of another healthcare professional provided in formal treatment.

Please note that I cannot take any responsibility for the results of your actions, and any harm or damage you suffer as a result of the use, or non-use of the information available [on this website/material]. Please use judgment and conduct due diligence before taking any action or implementing any plan or practice suggested or recommended [on this website/material].

Please further note that I don’t make any guarantees about the results of the information applied via , , or in any material provided therein. I share educational and informational resources that are intended to help you succeed in your specified coaching area(s). You nevertheless need to know that your ultimate success or failure will be the result of your own efforts, your particular situation, and innumerable other circumstances beyond my knowledge and control.