'I have noticed so many amazing changes that I never thought were possible, having struggled with IBS from an early age. I hardly ever have diarrhoea now and I am much more aware of what agrees and doesn't agree with my gut. The bloating has drastically decreased and along with losing weight, I have gone down a clothes size. My blood results show that my thyroid levels have improved, as well as my iron levels which were always historically low. I feel so much better and have a lot more energy (I used to not be able to get through a day without a nap!)' - Lauren

'My gut has been better than ever. Compared to where we started 2 years ago with extreme bloating and intense stomach pains from time to time. My lower back is still 95 % pain free which is a miracle to be honest.' Laura

'Improved sleep and energy levels, less bloating, weight-loss, better BMI, reduce medication -  I am in a very different and healthier place now!' Anon