When you purchase this service, you agree to As Above Wellness' Terms and conditions.
The terms and conditions below apply to all coaching and therapeutic services provided by Kristine Shaw (“the coach”), to any individual, group, or organization (“the client”) and constitute the contract for the service to be provided by Kristine Shaw for the client. The term ‘coaching’ will refer to personal therapeutic life coaching, personal counseling, personal development, and may apply to  mentoring or supervision services provided for clients, counselors and the like.

Please note that all coaching services and communication, via email or otherwise, delivered by the coach, Kristine Shaw, as well as information on my platforms are meant to help you achieve the agreed upon goals, provide insight and clarity into life’s barriers and opportunities to facilitate personal growth. Coaching is not a substitute for professional mental health care or medical care. Please consult with medical and/or mental health professionals if your needs require additional support. 

Coaching Session Procedures-At this time, all services are provided virtually or by phone, excluding Crown Treatment.  During checkout, client will be able to select the preferred appointment time based on coach availability. A confirmation email  with a link for a virtual meeting will be sent once payment is received. 

Payment policy
For all services excluding Crown Treatment, payment is required at the time of scheduling. All debit/credit card payments are accepted via Stripe. Receipts and invoices will be sent upon request electronically.