• What is coaching? How is it different from therapy, mentoring or consulting? What might I gain from it? This overview from the International Coaching Federation helps clear things up.

  • What areas of my life can coaching help with? Any area where you’re seeking clarity, making a transformation, navigating a big change. Often coaching works hand-in-hand with therapy and/or other 

  • What's your coaching specialty, Frankie? I help brilliant overthinkers overcome overwhelm. My approach tends to lean heavily on mindset shifts, shame resilience and self-compassion. I'm a scientific researcher by training, and a big-hearted empath by nature: over the past decade I've accrued a wealth of tools, resources and recommendations in this field. If you're craving a curated personalized toolkit for getting unstuck, managing emotional dysregulation and growing into a person you're proud of, I may be a great fit for you!

  • What is emotional resilience coaching? To me, resilience is the ability to return to equilibrium after being challenged or stretched, without experiencing lasting damage. It's not about tolerating everything life throws at you, gritting your teeth, bottling things up, or refusing to rest until you're burnt out. I help clients build emotional resilience skills that help them recover more effectively from challenges, articulate their core values and strengths, identify which challenges/stressors align with their values and strengths, eliminate challenges that don't (and are unnecessarily draining), expand their window of tolerance towards rewarding stretch goals, and build a life that balances effort with rest and reward. It's a long but worthwhile process!

  • What is ADHD coaching specifically? The ADHD Coaches Organization has a great page to start you off, and CHADD’s fact sheet goes into more depth (scroll down to p3 for the good stuff).

  • Do you only coach adults with ADHD? Nope. Many symptoms and traits of ADHD are present in neurotypical folk, especially during times of stress and overwhelm. Many of the same principles apply, and up to half of my clients at any one time do not identify as neurodivergent.

  • What sorts of questions should I ask a coach at first? The ICF has some tips for effective interrogation around a coach’s credibility, and p3/4 CHADD’s fact sheet is a little more focused on how a particular coach-client partnership will help you make progress towards what matters most to you as a client. In our consultation, you can ask me both!

  • Are you certified? I am accruing hours towards ICF and PAAC credentials, and I have completed over 100 hours of ICF/PAAC-accredited coach training through ADDCA.

  • I'd like to schedule a sample coaching session, how do I do that? I offer complimentary consults or  paid sample coaching sessions. Once you select an option, you'll receive info on what to expect and some things to ponder in advance. These sessions are to see whether we're a good fit to start working together, and if coaching is right for you right now. I recommend that you interview 2-3 coaches because a great coaching relationship is worth its weight in gold, and I wouldn't want you to experience anything less!