1. Scheduling and Cancellation Policy:
  • Clients can schedule appointments through our website https://youaresoaring.com/.
  • If a client needs to reschedule a coaching session, they should provide at least 24 hours notice. No refunds will be given to clients for unused coaching sessions unless 24 hours notice has been given.

2. Session Duration and Frequency:
  • Standard sessions are 60 minutes long, unless otherwise noted, with flexibility for longer or shorter sessions based on client needs.
  • We recommend weekly sessions for optimal progress but can adjust the frequency according to individual circumstances.

3. Payment Terms:
  • Payment is due in advance of each session and can be made securely through https://soarsd.com/ when booking the respective service.
  • Rates are available upon inquiry and vary based on session packages. 

4. Confidentiality and Privacy:
  • Client information and discussions during sessions are strictly confidential, following professional coaching ethics and legal requirements.
  • Confidentiality may be breached in cases of imminent harm to the client or others, as required by law.

5. Expectations and Responsibilities:
  • Clients are expected to actively engage in the coaching process, be open to exploring new perspectives, and commit to personal growth.
  • The coach will provide guidance, support, and accountability throughout the coaching relationship.

6. Communication Between Sessions:
  • Unless otherwise stated as part of a specific service, limited email or text support is available between sessions for brief clarifications or urgent matters. Response time is typically within 24-48 hours.

7. Boundaries and Code of Conduct:
  • Respectful communication and behavior are expected from both parties. Discriminatory, offensive, or inappropriate language or behavior will not be tolerated.
  • The coaching relationship is focused on personal growth and development; it is not a substitute for therapy or medical treatment.

8. Termination or Completion of Services:
  • Either party reserves the right to terminate the coaching relationship if it becomes unproductive, inappropriate, or if the client's needs are better served elsewhere.
  • Any unused sessions in prepaid packages are refundable according to our refund policy, available upon request.
  • Where a client pays for a session or sessions in advance they must have the coaching session(s) that they have paid for within 6 months of the payment or their fee is forfeited.

Program Policies:
  • Full Refund: Cancellations made more than 14 days prior to the start of the program will receive a full refund, minus a 10% administrative fee.
  • Partial Refund: Cancellations made between 7-14 days before the start of the program will receive a 50% refund of the program fee. The remaining 50% can be applied as a credit towards a future program.
  • No Refund: Cancellations made less than 7 days before the program begins, or after the program has started, are not eligible for a refund. However, the full amount can be applied as a credit towards a future program within one year.
  • Special Circumstances: We understand that emergencies happen. If you need to cancel due to a medical emergency or other extenuating circumstances, please contact us directly. We will review these situations on a case-by-case basis.
  • Program Cancellation by Us: In the unlikely event that we need to cancel the program, you will receive a full refund, including the administrative fee, or the option to apply your payment to a future program.
  • Transfer of Enrollment: If you are unable to attend the program, you may transfer your enrollment to another participant, provided you notify us in writing at least 7 days before the program begins. No additional fees will be charged for this transfer.