Terms and Conditions

Disclaimer: As coaches, we are committed to providing supportive and educational services to help you achieve your goals. Please note the following important points:

Scope of Practice: Our role is to offer guidance and support in areas such as health education, lifestyle changes, and goal setting. ProMedView does not provide medical diagnosis, treatment, or prescription of medications.

Client Responsibility: You are responsible for your health decisions and should continue consulting with your primary healthcare provider for medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment. Any changes to your medical treatment plan should be discussed with your healthcare provider.

Confidentiality: Your privacy is important. Information shared during coaching/advocacy sessions will be kept confidential in accordance with privacy regulations, except in cases where disclosure is required by law.

Results Disclaimer: We will work diligently to support you; however, we cannot guarantee specific outcomes. Progress depends on various factors including your dedication, adherence to recommendations, and individual circumstances.

Terms of Agreement Services: Coaching/Advocacy services, including health education, goal setting, action plans, and support via agreed-upon communication methods (in-person, phone, video, etc.).

Fees: Payment terms and fees for coaching/advocacy services will be discussed and agreed upon before starting the coaching/advocacy  relationship.

Cancellation Policy: Both parties agree to provide at least 1 day notice for session cancellations or rescheduling, except in cases of emergency.

Client Commitment: You agree to actively participate in coaching/advocacy  sessions, follow agreed-upon action plans, communicate openly about progress and challenges, and take responsibility for your decisions.

Termination: Either party may terminate the coaching/advocacy relationship with 24 hours' notice, except in cases of non-payment or breach of terms.

Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising from this agreement will be handled through mediation or arbitration in accordance with Florida, USA, laws.

Privacy Statement: We are committed to protecting your privacy and adhering to privacy regulations regarding the confidentiality and security of your health information. We will only collect and use your health information as necessary for coaching/advocacy purposes and will not disclose it to third parties without your explicit consent, except as required by law.

Thank you,
ProMedView LLC
407-988-4090 | [email protected] I www.promedview.com