You, the client, agree to the following:
I. That Coaching is not psychotherapy or medical treatment, and that professional referrals will be given when or if needed.

II. That Coaching is a potentially powerful alliance designed to help you clear limiting beliefs, strengthen your mindset and raise your vibration to achieve an expanded quality of life and achieve specific goals. Coaching may address ancestral or family issues, mind-body issues, specific personal projects, business challenges, and/or general conditions in your life or profession. You understand that Coaching services may include mindset practices, values clarification, healing practices, topical teachings, brainstorming, examining modes of operating in life, identifying plans of action, the sharing of educational information, the asking of clarifying questions, the making of empowering requests, research into other healing modalities and various other assignments.

III. As a client, you understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your well being during, after and between coaching sessions. You are responsible for any and all choices and decisions you make. You are responsible for the outcomes you experience as a result of coaching or the work related to personal coaching.

Payment terms
Private coaching is non-refundable. If coaching is terminated by either party during a contract no refunds will be provided for pre-paid services. A 30-day notice is requested to terminate payment plans. 

Refund Policy
I want you to be happy with your Program. If for some reason you are not satisfied and wish to stop the Program at any time, because I will have invested considerable time and effort in your Program, if you decide to withdraw for any reason whatsoever, you still will remain fully responsible for the full cost of the Program, and no refund will be provided.

Confidentiality and Non-Disparagement
I am committed to keeping all contacts, session notes, and records confidential. We also agree to hold each other in mutual respect and trust.

Liability and Indemnity 
My liability to you in connection with the Services (including without limitation as a result of any breach of this agreement or negligence) shall be limited to the level of the Charges actually paid by you to me as listed under this letter.
I do not accept any liability whatsoever for any consequential or indirect losses, loss of profit, business, goodwill and/or anticipated savings; Any failure or delay in performing the services to the extent arising from any matter beyond my reasonable control, any physical or mental health or medical issues or complications.