Terms and Conditions for Career Cliniq Services

    1. Service Description:
      Career Cliniq offers various career development services, including group mentoring programs and individual coaching sessions. The specific details of each service will be provided at the time of booking.
    2. Booking and Payment:
      • Payment is required at the time of booking to secure your place in a program or session.
      • Prices are subject to change without notice. The price at the time of booking will be honoured.
    3. Cancellation and Rescheduling:
      • For group programs: Cancellations made 14 days or more before the start date will receive a full refund. No refunds for cancellations within 14 days of the start date.
      • For individual sessions: You may reschedule up to 48 hours before the scheduled time at no additional cost. Cancellations made more than 48 hours before the session will receive a full refund. Cancellations within 48 hours may incur a fee.
      • Career Cliniq reserves the right to reschedule sessions if necessary, with advance notice to participants.
    4. Participation and Conduct:
      • Participants are expected to attend all scheduled sessions and actively engage in discussions.
      • All participants agree to behave professionally and respectfully towards the mentor/coach and other participants.
      • Career Cliniq reserves the right to terminate a participant's involvement for violation of these terms, with no refund.
    5. Confidentiality:
      • All information shared during programs or sessions is confidential. Participants agree not to disclose any personal or professional information about other participants.
      • Sessions are recorded for transcription and summary purposes. They will not be shared without explicit written consent of participants
    6. Intellectual Property:
      • All materials provided are the property of Ruth Vo and Career Cliniq and may not be reproduced or distributed without permission.
    7. Limitations of Liability:
      • Career Cliniq and Dr. Ruth Vo provide career guidance and support, not legal or financial advice.
      • Participants are solely responsible for any decisions or actions taken based on the programs or sessions.
      • Career Cliniq is not liable for any personal or professional outcomes resulting from participation in our services.
    8. Refunds and Guarantees:
      • Refund policies may vary by service and will be clearly stated at the time of booking.
      • Any guarantees offered are specific to individual services and will be explicitly stated in the service description.
    9. Additional Terms for Specific Services:
      • Some services may have additional terms (e.g., completion of assessments, follow-up calls). These will be communicated at the time of booking.
    10. Modifications:
      • Career Cliniq reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time.
      • The terms and conditions in effect at the time of booking will apply to your service.

By booking any service with Career Cliniq, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to these terms and conditions.