EFT Tapping is a complementary therapy, meaning that it works as a complement (i.e. in addition) to any health and psychological interventions you have in place.

EFT Tapping must never be substituted for psychological counselling or any other type of therapy or medical advice. Nor must anything you ever read on this website/associated social media ever be used to delay seeking licensed medical advice.

I am not a licensed medical/health care professional or psychologist, and although I will deliver my EFT Tapping services to the best of my ability, talent, and training, I can not accept any liability for your health or well-being. Your health is entirely your responsibility, and I expect you to be upfront with me about any existing medical or psychological conditions or ongoing treatment you have.

By using my website, products and services (including videos, social media posts, private messaging and emails) you acknowledge this and agree to take responsibility for your health by being upfront with me about any treatment protocols you already have going on and/or might need.

Also, please be aware that any comments or predictions about the outcomes of my website, products and services (including videos, social media posts, course materials, client resources and emails) are expressions of my opinion and experience only. I cannot make any guarantees other than that the EFT coaching services purchased will be delivered as described. I promise you that I will do my best to help you get positive results, but please note that you also have a responsibility to be fully present with me and patient with the process.