Dr. Vanissar Tarakali
Somatic & Intuitive Coaching

A typical hour-long coaching session may include:

* Educational or goal-setting conversations

* Remote somatic and intuitive bodywork
(utilizing one or more of these resources: remote energywork + props + your body's resources: hands, breath, position, attention)

* Generative somatics standing or movement practices

* Somatic rehearsals of new responses to familiar situations

* Guided sensory awareness or mindfulness practices

Somatic & Intuitive Coaching for Trauma Healing

I support my clients to transform trauma where it is stored—in the body and brain. The trauma healing journey is a path from contraction to fluidity. Healing trauma means softening contractions and restoring fluidity to the body so that energy and emotions can move through us with ease.

As your somatic educator and ally, my job is to stay by your side as you gradually learn to tolerate what scares you. I have a wealth of tools to help you face your discomfort with increasing confidence. I will cheer you on as you reclaim your birthright of aliveness, resilience and creativity.

How Do You Do Somatic Work Over Video?

I have been offering live video somatic coaching  since 2013, and I teach other somatic practitioners how to bring their practice online.

Most somatic practices can be translated over audio + video by making creative use of camera+microphone, body position+movement and by engaging the intuition and imagination of both practitioner and client.

You are welcome to turn your camera or your mic off whenever your body needs that kind of rest or space.

For upright somatic practices, we can both stand or sit up. For movement practices, we can walk or wheel towards and away from our cameras.

For other practices, you are welcome to sit or lie down, depending on what we are trying to help you access.

To recreate the effects of hands-on bodywork, I combine generative somatics and restorative-yoga practices and principles.

I guide you to use the resources of your hands, your breath, your attention and whatever props and furniture you have. Your animal companions are welcome to participate.

With some folks I recommend complementing our video work with acupuncture, massages, craniosacral bodywork or your preferred method of 'hands on' work.

Read Dr. Tarakali's bio here:


Prices are in USD; only USD payments are accepted.

This package includes
  • 1 x 60 min appointments

  • Zoom link

Client Feedback
“ Vanissar, words cannot express how deeply you have helped me be in my body, connect more deeply with my feelings, work through unprocessed trauma, and then be capable of taking all of that inner work—outwards into the world. My deepest gratitude and respect for your gifts, your “magic.” ”
— ~ S.S., Social Justice Educator, Berkeley, CA