Stephanie Galindo
“Create Your Fanbase” Workshop
What if your community conformed to you rather than you conforming to it? 

Do you find yourself thinking “I guess I’m supposed to care about that” when you’re around coworkers, family members, etc; but the truth is, you don’t care, you never will care, and you’re tired of pretending to care?
Do you find yourself in the middle of conversations that don’t light you up, and your insides are churning to escape the monotony but you know you can’t turn on your heels and escape mid sentence?
 Find yourself among people who accept you, that you don't have to diminish yourself for.
Among other things you will get coaching on:

1. Determine what phase of social connection you are in.
2. Determine the first step to move into the next phase of community. 
3. Find your own deeply held values that will connect you to congruent relationships.
4. Take ownership of your connections so that every conversation lights you up.

You may attend the live workshop, or access the replay to get a completely different foundation for interacting with and relating to the people around you. 
This is especially for you if you are neurodivergent, have rejection sensitive dysphoria, or grew up within a very rigid social expectation. 
This package includes
admission to online live workshop
access to the workshop replay at your convenience