Tanja Diamond
High Speed Evolution strategy call
Trying to get information about moving past things holding you back, trauma, old programming, and negative behaviors can be confusing. 

Let's get on a call, and let me get you the information you need to understand how those things affect you,  demystify them and the healing journey, and what next steps you should take to get your life back.

This is not a sales pitch.

This is me, coaching/consulting with you for real for a one-time introductory call fee of $40.

To make the best of this, bring a specific issue to discuss.

In the end, if you want my help, I'll let you know how we can do that. There are no gimmicks and no pressure.

Thanks, and I'm excited to meet you.

NOTE: This call is only available to people who have never worked with me.
This package includes
  • 1 x 45 min appointments