Waneka Jackson
Nurturing personal growth for professional success
Complimentary Coaching Consultation
Unlock your leadership potential with My Blooming Mind
Complimentary Consultation for Bringing the ELI Assessment to Your Organization
Find out how the Energy Leadership™ Assessments can enhance your team's development
Complimentary Consultation for Organizations
At My Blooming Mind, we are committed to helping individuals and organizations unlock their leadership potential and cultivate high-performing teams.
Energy Leadership Index™ Assessment
Get ready to radically change your life as you raise your level of consciousness and choose how you respond to any given situation by completing the Energy Leadership Index™ Assessment and connecting with an Energy Leadership Index™ Master Practitioner for a personalized debrief.
Energy Leadership Index™ 360
"360’s are very popular in corporate America and have applications for small business, groups, families, and even couples." Experience feedback across 36 different leadership competencies from family, friends, colleagues, and/or peers. Develop new insights that can help you improve your performance and your relationships with others. 
Consultation for Bringing the ELI Assessment to Your Organization
Find out how the Energy Leadership™ Assessments can enhance your team's development
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