B EmotionallyIntelligent Package for Individuals
We know your emotional intelligence is pivotal when a hiring manager is selecting the best new talent. We will work to increase your emotional intelligence with the 'B EmotionallyIntelligent' package which includes:

* Administering the scientifically validated EQ-i 2.0 online assessment

* Providing you with a customized debrief session on your EQ-i results, and

* Conducting up to three customized EQ-i coaching sessions based on your specific action plan

Note: We specialize in customized "B EmotionallyIntelligent" packages to improve collaboration and teamwork within public, private, and non-profit organizations. No organization is too small or too large.

Your organization can book a complimentary consultation with a certified EQ-i practitioner or email: [email protected] for a needs assessment based on your team objectives and challenges.

This package includes
  • 1 x 90 min debrief on your specific EQ results
  • Up to 3 x 50 min 1:1 coaching sessions
$302 + 2 payments of $232 (monthly)
Client Feedback
“ “Better understanding of my EQ strengths and dev areas. Have lots of action items to follow up...” ”
— Coaching Client
“ The Emotional Intelligence session was great. I think it really helped people level set." ”
— EQ Workshop Participant
“ "Took away results from EQ test and how these can be improved. Top areas of opportunity and how we can improve this (at management and individual level)." ”
— Coaching Client