Siobhan Barnes
Untamed CEO Mindset Intensive
In this intensive you will upgrade your inherent operating system and become the Untamed CEO of your own life and career so that you can stop relentless striving and start living and leading as the real you.

Imagine being able to have:

  • A career with the senior title, responsibility and impact that doesn’t burn you out and allows you to get home on time during the week and have free weekends to spend with your family and friends 

  • Complete confidence and conviction in your style of leadership knowing that “your way” is the right way to perform your role despite who you else you find yourself sitting at the table with

  • Clarity on the direction you want to take your career not from a place of “should” and what makes practical sense but from a place of deep knowing of what your contribution and impact is in the world

  • Courage to move forward on your chosen career path whether that’s owning your current leadership track, reinventing yourself to pursue something else, or allowing yourself to take your foot of the accelerator and center your wellbeing 

  • Unshakeable self belief in your capabilities and contribution so much so that you’re able to negotiate your salary and title as well as hold your boundaries with senior leadership, co-workers and your team 

  • Deep knowing and trust in who you are and what really matters, installing the belief that you can build the life and career you truly want

During this experience you will:

  • Hone in on the exact saboteur that’s personally keeping you stuck in the never ending cycle of constant striving without really living

  • Upgrade and install a new operating system from a mental, emotional, physical and energetic level so that you can start living and leading as the real you, making empowered decisions from this place

  • Have 1:1 support to address your own personal challenges whether your personal flavour of striving is to do with e.g.self-sabotage, imposter syndrome, not speaking up, staying small, not owning your worth and value, conflict avoidance, anxiety, lack of self-esteem and confidence

  • Learn and integrate embodiment practices to take the realisations and insights from your session into your body and deep embodied wisdom 

  • Be supported in the practical implementation of your new belief into your day to day so that you are living and breathing from this new operating system effortlessly

In this experience I bring together my training in Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), feminine embodiment coaching, energetics and neuroscience.

In a nutshell: you are upgraded holistically. 

By the end of our time together, you will find freedom and peace in your life and career and start trusting yourself, your path and your purpose. 
This package includes
  • One 90 minute  RTT session to uncover, rewire and reprogram whatever challenge you have in order to get what you want.
  • Customised recording for you to listen to so that you can ensure that the challenge we worked on won’t come back again.
  • One integration guide to embody your new belief beyond the level of mind and into your body
  • One 30 minute virtual check in at the end of 21 days.
  • Email access to me during your initial and celebration session for any questions or queries you may have. 

The investment below is in USD.
2 payments of $333 (monthly)