Stephanie Galindo
Executive Function Coaching
If you don’t need to work on mindset shifts, but simply struggle with executive function, this is the track for you. Meet weekly to get clarity on goals, create a breakdown from long term to short term, plan out action steps, and receive gentle, non-shaming accountability. 
When you find yourself stuck, you’ll have the option to receive some specific coaching on those invisible blocks. 

* This is to make tangible results in areas where executive dysfunction  is getting in your way. 

No shame -> Only problem solving. 
No failure -> Only progress. 

This can be used to accomplish your goals in 
* a job or in business 
* in house work, or creating a structure for your home. 
* in a major project such as decluttering or spring cleaning 

* It’s $400/mo until whenever you feel complete.
* Weekly calls, plus mini sessions  if you get stuck.  
* The option to add on emotional clearing sessions if deeper work comes up. 

✅ do you have a project that you’ve been procrastinating on? 
✅ do you feel like you’re not “adulting right” and want your time management to  match all the  passions and expertise you have in other areas?
This package includes
  • 4 x 50 min appointments
$400 / month